Snakes in the Lions Den

Start from the beginning

Adrian and I share a look before dipping out heads forward once in compliance. "Do not return home for the Christmas holidays, instead report to the Three Broomsticks the day we release and I will have someone waiting to take you to a safe house where you will then pledge your allegiance to Mr Potter and his cause. From that moment on you will be recognized as members of The Order of the Pheonix, and used as our eyes and ears inside Slytherin House." He pauses, giving us a moment to think his terms over before he asks, "Do you accept the terms of my agreement?" Adrian squeezes my hand and we both come to the same conclusion. "Yes, we accept your terms." He says, pushing himself to his feet and leading my from the office. As we make our way to the Great Hall I find my mind ablaze with the truth of what we're doing... We're deflecting. We're rebelling. We aren't standing for the load of shite we've been fed our entire lives. Adrian and I are writing our own story, one that makes us heros instead of villains.

*Time Skip - Christmas Holidays*

"We should go now, Mione, the common room is completely empty- everyone's gone for the train already." Adrian says as he pulls his shirt on and offers me a hand to pull me from his bed. "I suppose we must, I was hoping to spend a bit longer in bed... But we did promise we'd be on time." I remark as I allow my boyfriend to pull me into his quidditch toned arms. "Believe me, I'd much rather stay in bed than walk to bloody Hogsmede in this damn blizzard but we unfortunately must go." He whispers before pulling me in for a chaste kiss. Once he releases me I slip on one of his jumpers and pull my jeans on, stepping into my shoes as quickly as I can. Adrian grins widely as he takes in me clad in his jumper and offers me his arm to escort me from the dungeons. The two of us walk arm and arm out of the castle and head towards the Three Broom Sticks, my eyes widening when I notice who exactly is waiting for us. "Adrian, that's Alastor Moody." I gasp softly, as we reach the entrance of the small pub, Adrian's eyes bulge but he says nothing as he opens the door for us.

As soon as we enter the pub, Moody approaches us and leads us to a small booth in the back of the place, hidden from view of prying eyes. "Albus has already filled me in and I must say I'm impressed, it takes alot of courage to do what you're doing." He says, taking a swig from a flask and raking his eyes over Adrian and I in observation. "I will be sidealong apparating both of you to the destination Ablus has designated, I must of course ask you to play nicely with the other inhabitants because I'm sure some will not be enthused to see two Snakes in their Den." As soon as he finishes talking he reaches across the table and grabs onto both Adrian and I, and suddenly we aren't at the Three Broomsticks anymore. We're standing in the middle of an unfamiliar street. Moody turns to us smugly and tells us to stand back before pulling his wand and pointing it between two houses. He casts a spell quietly and the houses begin to shift apart, revealing a third house wedged right in-between them.

Without another word Moody grabs onto Adrian and I and pulls us up onto the porch of the mysterious third home. He knocks and when the door swings open we find ourselves on the other end of Professor Lupins wand. Adrian pulls me behind him, an attempt to protect me should this be a set up and looks towards the Auror questionably. Professor Lupin asks Moody what I can only assume is a security question, lowering his wand only after Moody gives him the correct answer. "What are you doing here, Mad-Eye?" Lupin asks as be ushers him into the house, not taking notice of either of us until Moody reaches behind him and yanks us into the house behind him. "Albus asked me to deliver our newest members, I trust you can gather everyone into the meeting room?" Lupins eyes widen when he realizes who exactly we are and he nods his head wordlessly as he rushes up the stairs to, I assume, gather the order. "Follow me." Moody calls gruffly to us as he leads the way down a hallway, dropping us off in a room with a round table. "Sit down and wait here."

Adrian takes a seat in one of the chairs at the table and pulls me into his lap, allowing me to lean into his warmth. Not five minutes later the door to the room is thrown open and a group of people come rushing on, a few red heads narrowing their eyes on me. I watch as everyone grabs seats as far away from Adrian and I as they can, the room remaining silent until Moody enters and clears his throat. "Albus unfortunately couldn't be here today, he however did leave me with specific instructions regarding the two new faces in the room. Hermione Avery and Adrian Pucey are here today to pledge their allegiance to Potter and the Order. They will become our eyes and ears inside the Slytherin House." As soon as our last names register with everyone in the room, gasps of shock and outrage can be heard from nearly every person and I can almost swear that I hear voices from the corridor whispering harshly. "This is outrageous, Alastor! They're school children! The girl can't be any older than fourteen!" A plump ginger woman shouts, slamming her fist against the table and standing up angrily.

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