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Stream Answer yall!

The next day~
You woke up starting at the cold wall, reminding yourself that you are kidnapped by EXO.
You actually thought that he was really nice when you first met this suho guy. But now you wishes you never talked to him.

but you cant change past.
You can try, but it's Impossible the only thing still in your Hands is future and present so make the best to turn around the shit you've done and forgot the mistakes you did, everyone else did and live your life like you hadnt done them.

"when does this girl wake up. Seriously it's 2pm"
"Chill. She probably Was awake till 7 am or stuff." you heard two guys arguing infront of the door, still pretending to be asleep so they wouldnt know that you actually werent and kept on talking.
'Please say anything useful... "
You breathed really slowly trying to Listen to everything but no not a Single useful word left their mouths.
Turning around on the destroyed matress looking inside the  cold ugly room making you feel lonely.
The Winds just blew through this room eventhough it had no Window you didnt even mind bothering only hoping you wouldnt die because of coldness.
Freezing to death in the house of your kidnapped probably being thrown away as a corpse wasnt really your plan.
"I will wake her up now"
You heard the lock moving and quickly closed your eyes Trying to seen as real as possible.

"Wake up" He said shaking you, no reaction from your side.
Which sleeping person would wake up directly.
"WAKE UP" He said aggressive now making you slowly sit up and fake rub your eyes.
The boy seemed annyoed before standing up straight again next to the other boy.
"FINALLY. Stand up and come with us"
"Im not supposed t-"
"Shut up and do it." does he suddey say aggressive. Being scared of this guy you fastly stand up and brush down your clothes.
The guy walks infront and the other next to you.
"Dont take it Personal. Chanyeol is stressed by work these days"
"thanks chen. You seem like you'd be a great father" (i had to- Im soo happy for him uwu)
"WAIT from where do you-"
"I listened to you two" you say laughing a bit and he did aswell, which made you pretty much shocked you thought that he would probably scream at you but no here he was laughing.
After just some more seconds of walking you arrived at the dining hall.
"Here we are. Sit down"
He pushed you towards a chair and you almost Fell but could hold yourself in your feet in the last second.
You sat down in the wooden chair and looked at your kners wanting to avoid any contact with them.
It didnt really work because they had a plan for today. "look at us" did suho say folding his Hands on the table.
"Why should I look at a traitor"
"Just do it."
He sighed deeply and you knew that he probably was mad at you.
"Dont behave slutty and just Look"

You sighed not wanting to be killed at slowly lifted your Gaze and looked at him who now looked a bit more normal.
"We will go on a Mission. Chen will look after you" He stood up and left the room, the Rest directly followed him.
Now you were left in the room with chen who looked outside the big Window waiting for the cars to leave.

"Listen. I didnt lock the mobile number. ATEEZ probably realized and will come rescue you soon maybe today.
I hope today-"
"wait... Thank you but what if they find out"
"I dont care if I die"
"But I do and your fiance and future kid probably" you smile at hin before setting your hand on his shoulder.
"I will come back wtth Ateez just to help you."

Just some seconds you heard the door down stairs fly open and you and chen went down stairs slowly not knowing if it's really Ateez.
"WHERE ARE YOU" when you heard seonghwa yelling, it changed and you ran down stairs.
He looked around trying to find the guys Hut they werent there hearing a Sound from the stairs he aimed there with his tun but as soon as he saw your smiling face he put it down running there.

He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you into a deep hug. The hug felt like you two hadnt seen in forever or if it would be the last hug you will ever share.
"I missed you so much princess." He whispered in your ear giving you a peck on the cheek. But his Gaze turned ice cold when he saw chen coming down stairs, they got ready to shoot him and waited for him to do anything or say something

"Better get going. I dont know how long they will be away" He said smiling Ateez looked a bit confused at first but you explained shortly and soon seonghwa looked at him smiling thanking him.

"We will come back"
"Y/N said that already. You really dont need to. If I die it wont be bad"
"It will. You have a fiance and soon a kid" you said crossing your arms because kf his heartless sentence.
He slightly chuckle just nodding before telling you all again to leave fastly.
That's what you did this time.

Seonghwa Swiftly took you up bridal style making you gasp in shock.
"Seonghwa! Let me down"
"No- belive me you wont get away more than 1 Meter the next week at least."
"Oppa~" you said fake whining making him smirk.
"Yes princess"
"You need to be protected." Was the last thing he answered you now ignoring your whines.
He sat down in their car but there was a Problem.
It didnt have enough seats for you all so it ended up to you sitting on seonghwas lap which he didnt mind at all.
He really meant what he said you. wont get away much from him the next week or even weeks...

Stalker? (Ateez Seonghwa X Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ