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Just like I love all B-sides and inception and Thanxx (I prefer thanxx btw( before you hate I voted for both because I couldn't choose))
My Fav b-side probably is 'Good lil Boy' 👁️👄👁️💗
Which is yours? or your opinion on the album ? Write a comment if you want owo💞

Now let's start!!

Seonghwa'd behavior directly changed, from being the nice boyfriend who was there to help rescue chen to the cold-hearted mafia member, who would kill just to help you out.
"Suho. Leave Y/N out of this"
"Why should I? I mean she just left and I still had business with her." Suho said pressing the cold barrel even more into your head if it was possible, maybe it was just your imagination.
You tried to keep yourself together and not cry since if you learned something all this time it was that in the Mafia it was best to hide your real feelings to everyone apart from the people really close to you, but even that could kill you since you never know who actually is on your side and who isn't.
The time seemed to go by slower, the room filled with quietness and aggressiveness. You got quite nervous since nobody said anything, suho waiting for the two guys to do anything and chen and seonghwa thinking of what they should do to help you and get away firm here without getting you killed right here.

"I'll say it aswell Suho. Leave my girl out of it" seonghwa said really aggressive, stepping a tiny bit closer to suho who laid his finger onto the trigger when he did that.
Tell me a good reason seonghwa, tell me why I should 'Leave your girl out of it' " suho calmly says, making you a bit confused as to why he suddenly was calm. Seonghwa loosened his tie a bit, seemingly getting ready to fight the guy at this exact moment.
" She didn't stab you in the back. She just escaped. She has nothing to do with the Mafia"
As an answer (gonbaehaja(is that right idk..) like a thunder) to that suho let out a small chuckle, sending cold shivers down your spine. He did laugh but it still seemed cold and heartless, you tried getting away but he of course gripped your wrist even tighter not even once thinking about letting you out of his grip.

"She does associate with the Mafia seonghwa. She's your girlfriend, you seriously thought she would get kept out of it?
That she would nothing to do with it?
Just living a happy live?" he looked at seonghwa, his expression not readable and seonghwa just still was annoyed by the guy infront of him.
" No. Theres nothing like that in the Mafia.
She's your girlfriend, she will always be on the hitlist. Since she's a girl, she's easier to attack and that makes it easier to get to you"

Seonghwa just clenched his jaw making his jawline stand out even more.
You don't know why but when you listened to what suho said a kind of anger started to grow in the bottom of your stomach,
Girls can't defend themselves?
You decided to show him different, you could and you will.
You stomped your feet onto his making him look to you and take away the gun to hold your jaw in his hand.

"You thought this will do anything"
I'm the edge of your vision you saw how chen and seonghwa got concerned for you and kinda confused as to why you did that atleast that is what you read their expressions as, which you could barely make it since it was pretty blurry.
He went near your face, holding your jaw tighter making you hiss a bit in pain.
"I asked you a question. You really thought this will do something?"

"No I didn't" you said making him a bit confused but at the same time amused. A small smirk started playing on his lips and seonghwa was ready to walk over and punch him when you suddenly kneeled him in the balls making him fall down.
"But i could do this because of it" you kick him in the side fastly walking over to seonghwa who just walked past you making you confused.
"We need to go... What are you doing babe?" you quickly ask, not wanting to take so long that the other members are here.

"Just wait a short time" seonghwa kneeled down grabbing the man by his hair and looking at him.
"And you said girls can't defend themselves? Think again" seonghwa punched him once into the face making sure that he would get what he deserved. Before he could beat the guy to death tho chen took his arm and pulled him out of the room, all of you three climbing out of the window onto the roof.

Hope you enjoy it ⭐
Here's a photo of our angry bird 4 u
(please stop using Snow app seonghwa your beautiful without it 🤡)

Hope you enjoy it ⭐Here's a photo of our angry bird 4 u(please stop using Snow app seonghwa your beautiful without it 🤡)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Stalker? (Ateez Seonghwa X Reader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें