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You finally were ready and it was actually already time for the date..
You wondered why you took that long as you never took more than 15 Minutes to get ready.
You looked in the mirror for some seconds and just thought about how you could never return home, or see your family.
'Family' you never really had time to talk to them or something as all of your family lives in (home country) and that wasn't where youre living right now...

So theyre basically in a different place even if it just a different town it was still harder than you thought to just visit them once.
Before you could feel Tears running down your cheeks you just started thinking positive and went down stairs.

Seonghwa stood there, waiting for you.

You looked at him shocked, realizing again how handsome he actually is

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You looked at him shocked, realizing again how handsome he actually is.

Luckily he didnt saw that as he was starting at his phone.
You go upto him and start talking, you didnt know what else to do.
"Hey..." He looked up from his phone and put it in his pocket looking at you, up and down.

"youre pretty" He takes your Hand before going to the direction of the car.

"That's what YOU say" you say emphasizing (? ) the you.
He chuckled a bit before opening the car door for you to get in, and that's what you did of course.
Looking at the street which Was almost empty, lighted up by the night Sky

Tonight Was really pretty, the Stars were shining lighter than normal it was full moon and the complete sky was visible not a single cloud disturbed the sight of the beautiful night sky.

"Its beautiful"
"It is...." seonghwa says still concentrating on driving, today more than any other day He didnt want to make a car crash or some Kind of accident.

Finally you two park (seonghwa... OK yeah im sry) the car and go into a Restaurant.
OK more like sadly, to take in the sight of the dark blue sky filled with glowing Stars, which resemble planets, wishes and Dreams was something you could do almost the complete day...

"Are you coming?"
"Yes im sorry.."
"Hey it's alright I was just asking."

Stalker? (Ateez Seonghwa X Reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant