Chapter 35

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A/N I hope y'all are ready for this! My heart race writing some bits, and I'm pretty sure I nearly died laughing at others. I have edited it as much as possible and it is still over 4500 words. I think you will all love it though. PS. My new story Fairy Tail's Cupid just published the first chapter!

Natsu's POV
We were greeted at the gates of Pietra, where my little Melody acted as our voice seeing as she has grown up so well. It took some convincing but they finally got me to agree. She is my baby, she shouldn't have to deal with any of these things.

Pietra's castle guards seemed confused, and after someone ran up to one of them whispering in their ear; their backs straightened. I heard what was said, 'Dragneel is the name of the Dragon King and Queen.'

"We will announce your arrival right away, please come this way," The one in the flashiest armor said. We stepped forward all dressed as we were, a royal family. Lucy had had her spirits bring us some of our more intimidating royal clothes. Honestly, I thought they were stuffy and a drag to wear but after a couple decades you get really used to them.

'I heard that,' Luce tells me using her mind. I just smile at her thinking about how beautiful she is, even when she was upset. I see her smile at my thoughts and grabs my hand as we begin to follow the guards in after several minutes the guards stop in front of what appears to be a throne room.

"I'm sorry, only the royal family may enter past this point." one of the men said blocking not only our guards but also Melody, using his pike to do so. The point of the pike uncomfortably close to her little neck.

"Then why are you blocking the first princess with our guards?" Luce hissed. The man jumped and looked back and forth between Melody and us for several seconds.

"If you don't remove your weapon from my daughter I will remove your head." my voice was low and menacing as I glared at the guard who still had his pike by her throat. "Dragon's do not give many chances." I felt not only as Luce and I but Melody's siblings covered our bodies in our magic. Three celestial dragon slayers and two fire dragon slayers all of whom were children of the King and Queen who exudes both fire and celestial dragon slayer magic and then the body guards as well. Poor Happy was extremely upset his claws at the ready as he was closest to her since he had been sitting on her shoulder, which meant they were not only blocking a princess but a prince as well.

The man would have died already if not for the fact that we were here to create peace. He very slowly lowered his weapon putting it on the ground stepping away trembling before us as he remained bowed. I could hear his heart hammer in his chest, his lungs failing to make a sound as the man's breath would not come to him, even the way that his very skin seemed to have lost the ability to breathe. He instantly had a cold sweat as he trembled before us. Even without our heightened abilities we could have seen him shaking in his boots.

"My King, my Queen," Eric arrived just then, he was a part of our rear guard but he honestly did more surveillance from afar using his ability to hear a person's soul. "This man did not intend to threaten Princess Melody and although his careless actions do deserve death. I know that is not your wish." I nod acknowledging his words and flick my hand at the man kneeling allowing him to flee from our collective rage. My daughter once again by my side, Eric bowed and returned to his position with the rear guard.

Lucy and I could have easily heard him from his post, but his decision was wise, so that any onlookers would understand why it was that we let him go. I looked at my daughter and check to make sure the weapon had not touched her, it had not. I sighed happily and hugged her to me. She has grown so much that even a pike at her throat had not made her flinch, her training has gone well. I look around at my other children, the twins Nashi and Luke were holding hands as always while Luna and Igneel stood behind them. They were ready to take care of their siblings while Lucy and I tore this castle apart if they harmed Melody, they are all good kids.

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