Chapter 5

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A/N What the hell why not three updates this week? I have touched you all with the teases quite a bit. Here is some fluff. You will like if you like nalu.

Lucy's POV

There was just a moment that I wondered if Natsu was awake as I pleased him, kissing along his torso. The way his skin shivered and the way his moans seemed to respond to my words. But no when I checked he was definitely asleep after all how would he be able to stay so still while I handled him so roughly? 

I don't normally talk to him while I do that kind of thing but I really felt a need to voice myself today. I look at the clock on the wall to see that a few hours had passed by, it was now 2 in the afternoon. I sighed so much for it only lasting an hour or two. 

Then I smiled, food was the answer! Nothing could wake him up like food could. I run over to the lacrima on the wall and asked about lunch. They seemed surprised that I waited so long and I apologized saying I had fallen asleep after moving Natsu to the bed. 

They asked if he was doing better and I reported saying that he was still fast asleep. The chef apologized saying that that did happen sometimes but by looking at the time he should wake up any minute. I confessed that that was the real reason I wanted the food and a lot of it. He could eat out an entire restaurant or cafe.

He laughed heartily and told me there was nothing to worry about he had us covered for the entire trip with extra supplies just in case. We turned off the lacrima and I returned to Natsu's side. I had made sure to put his shirt back on him and now, with me fully clothed, I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I decided that falling asleep again while waiting for the food should be alright. 

Natsu's POV

I wake up again and this time I remember everything, from Lucy's apartment to the train and smoothies and the bathtub even the bed. I immediately had a hard on. I start to sit up when I realize something is on my chest. I look down to see Lucy sleeping fully clothed and wait did I see tear stains on her cheeks? It must have all been a dream, I want to cry.

Why had she been crying? Instead of getting up I gently rub my thumb on her face trying to wipe away the moisture but it was already dry. I sigh out loud, "Luce if you only knew how much I love you." I let my head fall back again and proceed to run my fingers through her hair.

"I love you more than a rainbow is colorful; I love you more than the full moon is bright on a clear night sky. I love you more than I love being in Fairy Tail. But you can never love me." I pause here still stroking her soft silky hair. "Because you are a star on a moonless night sky showing the way and I am the volcano that takes life away, erupting and destroying everything in my way." 

I start to laugh at myself bitterly. "That almost sounded like a poem huh? To bad; I bet you could have turned it into something beautiful, you can do that, you know? Turn things beautiful. At first I thought you were just showing others the beauty you already saw but then I saw you turn something so ugly, absolutely nothing redeemable at all about it, into a work of art." I sigh and groan to myself. "I need to stop reading your books while you sleep, but if I do how am I supposed to understand what is going on in your head?" 

I gently caress her with my hand as I watched her soft sweet face. "I wish my dreams were true and you really did love me. " I start, resting my head back again to look at the ceiling. "But how could you love me? All I do is destroy when you create." I slightly moan remembering my dream. 

"I had a wonderful dream though," I smile my eyes now closed as I settled back to sleep again. "You told me you loved me." I sigh out and I drift off again. 

Lucy's POV

"Luce if you only knew how much I love you. I love you more than a rainbow is colorful; I love you more than the full moon is bright on a clear night sky. I love you more than I love being in Fairy Tail. But you can never love me." A short pause before he continued. "Because you are a star on a moonless night sky showing the way and I am the volcano that takes life away, erupting and destroying everything in my way." 

Motion Love Sickness (NALU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora