Chapter 37

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A/N We are closing on on the end. The final chapter will be 39. I hope you all have enjoyed this book even with how long it became. I already miss this book and I'm not even done editing it. Smh go figure. Anyway here is chapter 37. Happy Valentine's day you get the chapter a day early. 🌹

Natsu's POV
Timing is everything and just as luck would have it, it was mating season. I tried to pull myself away knowing we had to prepare for the war. But damn it all; Luce just looked to fucking good to stay away from.

"Melody, you will lead the first charge! Make sure not to kill anyone if you don't have to." Lucy ordered breathless as my tongue danced along her neck and my teeth nipped at her collarbone.

"Yes, Mother." she replied ignoring me. Melody is a good daughter, I feel a little bad that she is watching me as I tempt her mother. I find Luce's ear making her gasp out loud as my hands slid along her sides.

"We will be there once we know you don't have another brother or sister coming." I hissed as Lucy moaned in my arms. Thankfully all that worry about mating season was a load of horse shit. Honestly we can have as many kids as we want without worrying, but that could just be because of the dragon realm. After all it was a little weird that in the past dragon slayers only ever had one kid.

"Yes, Father." she smiled and turned to leave. We heard as she shouted orders, gathering the troops.

I smile at Luce, "Mine." We barely made it to the bedroom closing the doors behind us as the season truly started.

Lucy's POV
Mating season is over but Natsu is still acting all lovey-dovey which I have taken as a sign to mean I am pregnant again. I sigh out loud as Natsu is bringing me yet another strawberry milkshake and triple chocolate muffin. Yep, I'm definitely pregnant it's only been a month since the season ended but still. I communicate with Melody through a lacrima and it has not even been a whole day on the battle field yet.

She was sending about a third of our troops home for a couple of days rest before they return and she sends another third for their rest. I mean Pietra really didn't know what hit them as the troops always seemed full of energy and well rested. Melody was an excellent strategist having spent so much time with Levy and studying on her own. I guess that was the skill she had decided on. And she was damn good at it.

We have found that even though the males were not actually carrying the babies they were useless to be away from their mate if they were indeed pregnant. We probably should have went to Earthland before but we hadn't noticed mating season sneaking up on us. I wonder if we will have a boy or girl this time?

Those of us stuck at home worked either farms or blacksmithing. Most of the men refusing to allow the maybe pregnant woman to do any hard work leaving us sewing or reading books. Those of us reading were typically studying something be it a new magic or cooking technique or even martial arts even though we couldn't practice it at the moment. We ladies were even limited on how much we could cook but that was okay too because it just meant our mates were forced to help us.

The reports I was getting from Melody were about every hour her time and about everyday my time. We sent several loads of food several times a day and given how much dragon slayers eat that wasn't a bad thing, occasionally we would also send some fresh weapons and armour as well. I just sent Natsu to do the last delivery to make sure that our kids were eating properly. Which was the only reason he agreed to leave me behind.

It was almost time to lay our eggs, this time we would be having another girl, time was really flying by. I smile thinking to myself as I rub my belly. Once I lay her egg Natsu or I could go to the battlefield. So long as one of us stayed behind it would be fine.

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