Chapter 23

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Natsu's POV

We both flew off the ground, we were using our respective natural elements. I used my fire to shoot into the air where she seemed to become a shooting star as what looked like white stardust trailed behind her. Once we were at our desired height it was time to begin. "Heat wave!" I called out turning the entire stadium into a sweltering sauna of flames covered the arena platform slowly, allowing the referee to flee. 

"Eclipse!" she called out blocking the sunlight. 

"Hey no fair, you know that's my favorite!" I pouted, she only smiled in response. "Fire Dragon King Mode!"

Lucy's POV

Yep sunlight is his favorite and starlight is mine. This is an official fight after all. I grin and match him, "Celestial Dragon Queen Mode!" The field I'm sure was crazy scary looking now, between the flames below and the eclipsed sky it very well could have looked like an actual hell on Earthland.

"Now I know why they were selling eclipse glasses! Please make sure to put them on whenever you look towards the sun!" Jason screamed into the mic. The crowd was going crazy already and we haven't even hit each other yet. 

Master steps up again much to Jason's fear. "Please just put them on for the remainder of the fight things will get bright," Master advises wearing a pair himself. "They have been enchanted so that you can still see Natsu and Lucy while they fight they will automatically adjust as needed."

"Ccccoooolllll! You heard it here folks, these glasses are cooler than the normal ones!" 

I brought my attention back to Natsu who was grinning and I return it. "Let's do this," I purr ready to see how far we have actually come.

"Celestial Wings!" We call out together each appearing to grow a pair of fairy like wings made of stardust. We hovered in the air getting a feel for the air currents and I flew up bringing the power of the stars closer to me as I did as he glided down pulling the flames high enough to lick our feet.

"Urano Metria," I call out and as Natsu is dealing with that I craft my duel stardust blades, knowing full well that Cancer's swords would not hold up against him. "Venus Gladius!" Soon enough I'm holding a pair of pale blue translucent blades the hilt the color of starlight shaped much like a dragons claw. As I swing the blade a light trail of stardust seems to sprinkle from it. I position myself ready to duel, standing in my cancer star dress.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu screams holding out his own hands covered in his fire. 

Natsu's POV

"Natsu sets the arena on fire! Lucy has the sun blocked creating this otherworldly arena before you now! Lucy and Natsu use celestial magic to create wings! They have literally taken this fight to the air people. This match is already super heated and they haven't even landed a blow yet! Lucy's Urano Metria has lit the stage up like the sun itself, and now as the light fades we can see her duel wielding a pair of swords! Are they actually leaving stardust behind them? I can't believe this!" Jason's voice set my nerves on edge, I try to ignore him.

I use my fire to propel me towards my mate who was blocking my fist with her swords. They held up well against the force if anything they seemed to get stronger the more I tried to force it. "Crimson Lotus Fire Dragon Fist!" I swing again and again and Luce just deflects my attacks. I can't help the smile spreading across my face. 

"Meteor Shower!" she responded making me dodge creating space between us. 

"Fire Dragon King's Roar!" I call out before using my own fire as cover I swooped in and "Fire Dragon King's Fist!" 

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