Chapter 20

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A/N So yeah writers block just hit me out if no where. Hopefully it's just for this morning though. I still have a couple chapters to edit so it should be fine! Please enjoy.

Natsu's POV

I can't stop looking at her. Lucy dozed peacefully next to me at I ran my fingers through her hair making sure not to wake her. Her head on my chest making me feel whole as she snuggled closer to me. I released her hair and wrapped my arms around her holding her close. My match would be starting soon, I don't know exactly what time it is but I could feel it. I groaned a little, I guess I should concentrate my hearing towards the stadium. 

After several seconds I hear cheering and my stomach drops. "That was Gajeel and Gildarts. An amazing match to be sure but the winner is Gildarts!" Master announced. Fuck I'm late. "We will now be taking a brief 30 minute break and Natsu and Laxus match will be next!" Wait they rearranged the matches? I'm confused but relieved. 

I snuggle into Lucy's sweet neck kissing her awake. "Time to wake up my Queen," I purr in her ear before tickling it with my nose. 

"Okay, okay I'm awake. Let's hurry so we aren't late." She giggled. We take a quick shower and run through the streets of Magnolia towards the guild. We meet Happy as we are leaving the house. 

"Hurry you two you're the last matches of the night!" He yells and Lucy grabs him and we practically fly there jumping from building to building and we arrive just as Master is arriving back at the mic. I blow a short burst of fire into the air getting his attention and I see him smiling. 

"Now time for another fiery or electrifying match! Natsu Dragneel the fire dragon slayer and Laxus Dreyar the lighting dragon slayer!" The crowd goes wild. "The match was put off due to unforeseen circumstances but the winner will retake the first match line up tomorrow!" 

Laxus and I take our places he is smirking at me, "I hope your unforeseen circumstances were enjoyable?" He teased. 

I can't help the big silly grin on my face, "Oh, you have no idea." He faltered not expecting me to answer like that. I turn around and hold up the Fairy Tail signal something that everyone has been doing when they are facing another member of Fairy Tail. Which of course has most of the audience cheer louder as they realize that we get flashier, louder, tougher and harder against each other than the others. 

Lucy's POV

Natsu is talking about embarrassing stuff making me slightly red. I cover my face with my hand trying to look natural as I watched. The only ones who heard were the dragon slayers and Wendy was bright red like a tomato. I reach into the bag I grabbed as we were running out of the house and handed Wendy a cute pair of censoring headphones that looked like little dark blue cat ears that match her hair. "Put these on it will help," I say as she takes them putting them on. "You won't hear those kinds of things so long as you wear them."

"Thank you Lucy!" She squealed and put them on. Now we won't have to worry about ruining little Wendy's innocence any more. They are made to cover the ears and block all noise and instead receives all the sounds through the cat ears and filters out sexual comments and innuendos leaving the listener just as innocent as before the comments were said. It took a long time to find a pair and I have another smaller pair of pink ones for Asuka. The headset is only as powerful as the listeners natural hearing so it shouldn't impede upon her hearing any. 

Natsu and Laxus are having a good fight but I could see Natsu struggling to keep himself in check. Natsu must have heard me talking to Wendy I'm sure all the slayers had so he was talking low and dirty during his fight throwing Laxus off. 

"She tasted so sweet you wouldn't believe how amazing it is." I turn bright red as well as the rest of the dragon slayers. The only ones not red was Natsu and, thankfully, Wendy. I guess the headset works.

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