Chapter 8

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A/N To excited about the story maybe I will just commit to uploading two chapters a week? I will decide next week. anyway lemons fluff and more lemons ahead for this chapter! I did say you had a couple chapters before things got dark right? Anyway please enjoy until the dark countdown is complete. Chapter ten is when it all changes...

Natsu's POV

We finished the job so quickly Mayor Fred just stared at us when we walked back to him. When he finally realized we were actually done he quickly gave us our reward praising us on a job well done. He invited us to come back anytime at all. He then told us how he had a hotel room set up and paid for us because he thought it would take a few weeks, not several minutes to complete the job.

Lucy and I just kind of laugh for a minute and I say, "No one knows how to destroy things like I do!" Pushing Lucy over the edge as she tried to hold onto her sides to prevent hurting herself from laughing so hard. 

Mayor Fred is a little lost on what to do and just seems to decide to wait is out. Bad move. 

"Fairy Tail the guild of monsters!" I say next as Lucy finally lands on the ground flipping onto her back, her laughter seemingly endless. 

"Fairy Tail the guild of legggggeeeeeennnnddssss!" I stretched the word legends as long as I could. Making Lucy start actually rolling on the ground laughing. 

"Fairy Tail the guild of chaos!" I screeched that one causing Lucy to shed tears and struggle to breathe. I couldn't help myself I joined her on the ground as we laughed together. After several minutes had passed, we were finally able to breathe again. 

"It's nice to be able to do a job, be thanked and actually get the reward," I hear Lucy sigh before starting to get up. I look up at her, the sun was just behind her causing that halo light effect on her hair I love so much. She holds a hand out to me and I take it standing up with her help. 

"Yeah it's nice having people actually like us destroying things," my grin firmly planted on my face. 

"Well should we go home now or stay for a while?" She asked looking up into my eyes. 

"Well I think I heard about some kind of festival bonfire thing tonight," I cut off trying to remember what the article said. 

"Oh the Star Dragon Festival! You two should really stay, we celebrate the birth of the Star Dragon every year even though she has long since died. She protected this town when all others deserted us, she died to do so." Mayor Fred is both helpful and annoying. . "It last for about a month. so about the same time as you hotel is paid for. It would also be a great honor to have a dragon slayer there during the gratitude ceremony! I'll even double your reward if you will stay"

I look to Lucy and I see that starry look in her eyes and laugh, "I guess we are staying then." I watch her excitement before turning to the mayor, "So where is the hotel?"

Lucy's POV

I have to say I'm disappointed that the room the mayor arranged for us had two full sized beds. Natsu saw me frown and he pulled me over to one of them kissing me as we went. I soon forgot about the size as he stripped me of my clothes purring as he felt my body. 

I should have pushed him off, I should have reminded him that we would be leaving soon. Instead I helped him shed his own clothes as I returned his kisses. My body yearning for his touch feeling starved of his affection. I push him on top of the bed and crawl on him. I could feel my own wetness starting to drip as I gently rubbed his tip against it coating it lightly before I lined him up with my aching entrance. I guess I was taking to long because just as he was lined up he thrusted himself in. 

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