#2 ~ How You Sleep

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#2 ~ How You Sleep

Steve - You lay with your head and neck cuddled up on his warm chest, with his arm wrapped around your shoulders; tracing patterns down your back, as he sings you to sleep with old songs from the 30/40's.

Tony -
He always get into bed after you, so you're all warm and he's cold! He snuggles up to your back and ignores you feeble attempts to push the cold away. Gradually he warms you up to help you fall asleep.

Thor -
You always start out lying next to him but then he suddenly pulls you onto his chest and lays your whole body just on top of his. He then tells you tales of battles and of Asgard until you fall asleep.

Bruce -
You lie facing each other and he pulls you closer and gives you a quick peck on the lips before resting his forehead on yours and intertwining your hands against his chest. It took a while for him to agree to sleep in the same bed, as he was worried he would Hulk out, during a nightmare, and hurt you!

Clint -
At the start of the night, you lay on the opposite sides of the bed; with absolutely no contact between you whatsoever. Then gradually you work your way to the middle and meet up, in your sleep, and wakeup cuddled into each other. After New York he started to go to sleep snuggled up to you, as he had terrifying nightmares of his last arrow not sticking to the wall and him falling to his death.

Loki -
Even though he is a God, when he sleeps he is so cute. He snuggles his face into your shoulder, sometimes wriggling it up to the space between your neck and shoulder. Occasionally his face scrunches up, in the cutest way, or he smiles if you are in his dream. You never have nightmares when sleeping next to him as he controls your brain not to think of scary things - in a caring way not a mind controlling mental way!
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Bye -
Mrs Captain Rogers

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