"You mean you're arranging your next hook up in the janitor's closet?", she'd cross her arms, "You do realise that is the most cliche hookup spot, right?"

"Yup, but it's quick, easy and seeing as it hasn't been found out yet by anyone else then why not?", she'd casually shrug her shoulders, ignoring the eye roll she then received from the fiery redhead beside her.

"Look, I don't care", this made Beca smirk again knowing that she was starting to annoy the cheerleader, "Can you please just read some of the book?", Chloe would lean over, closer to Beca, to open the book to the first page and pointing down to the first line.

Beca would sigh and look down at the page, trying to focus on the words but feeling the frustration grow inside of her as she'd watch the words float and the letters jumble up in front of her. "Why can't you just tell me when the paper is done and I'll write my name at the top"

"What's the matter this time?", Chloe would huff and look back over at the brunette, she'd furrow her eyebrows more when she'd notice the confused and frustrated look on Beca's face. "Beca..", she'd quietly whisper, reaching forward to place her hand on top of the brunette's arm.

Switching to that cold hard exterior in a split second Beca would sigh and move her arm away, standing up, "I've just remembered that I promised I'd go and see Stacie after school", she'd quickly try to move out of the room to grab her leather jacket again.

"Beca wait, please don't leave", Chloe would catch up to her, "you don't need to make up an excuse just to get out of doing the work", she'd sigh and run a hand through her red locks, "if you really don't want to do any work tonight, I suppose we can postpone it until another time", she'd smile softly.

"And what would we do instead until my dear brother comes back and ruins our fun?", Beca would change moods quickly again as she'd wink at the redhead and take a step closer to Chloe, causing the redhead to move backwards and jump as she'd feel her back hit the table behind her.

"W-What would you.. like to do?", Chloe would gulp, feeling a heat start to rise towards her chest and cheeks as Beca would trap her by placing her arms either side, against the table.

"Oh, I could think of lots of fun things we could do", she'd wink again and allow her eyes to run down the cheerleader's body slowly, smiling as she'd watch Chloe's cheeks start to blush as her eyes would move back up to lock with the baby blue pools that she so desperately wanted to dive right into.

"B-Beca, I'm with T-Tom", Chloe would try to calm down and focus but all she could think about was the urge to lean forward and crash her lips onto the inviting brunette's in front of her. The way Beca's tongue would slowly come into view as she'd wet her bottom lip and then the sight of that lip being bitten on, was making her teenage hormones go crazy.

"Why though?", Beca knew that she had Chloe right where she wanted her, which is why she decided to take it one more tiny step further by slowly but softly moving her left hand to graze against the redhead's hip, before settling against her waist, gliding it under her shirt slowly so that she was now touching her bare skin. "He can't make you feel anything close to what I could do"

"B-Beca.. I-I.. want.."


The sound of a key being put into the lock of the front door behind her caused Beca to smirk and move away quickly, picking up the beer from the table and walking into the living room. Little did she know, that she had left a very flustered, heavy breathing, redhead stood still leaning against the table as her mind would try to wrap around everything that had just happened in the last minute but then how it ended in a matter of seconds.

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