The Ninth Child Revealed

Start from the beginning

Tai grabbed the remote and turned off the tv.

"Sudden anemia?" He said.

"Do you think it's possible that Myotismon may be the cause?" I asked.

"Why would you think that, Raya?" Agumon asked.

"Well, think about it, Myotismon is a vampire-like digimon. It's possible that he used to suck data from digimon, and now he's doing the same thing with humans."

"That's pretty clever, Raya." Kari said, smiling at me with that lovely smile of hers.

Suddenly, the phone rang and Tai picked it up. He gasped and ran with Agumon into his room for privacy.

"Meeko!" Kari shouted. She got up and ran after the cat out onto the balcony. I walked up behind her with Luna in my arms as she picked up the cat.

"What are you doing? You know you're not allowed to come out here at this hour. Go back inside." Kari said, letting the cat go and watching him go past me and back inside.

I chuckled, "Very mischievous, isn't he?" I asked.

"Yeah, but we love him anyway." Kari said. She walked up to the balcony edge and stood on her toes to look out at the city. I closed the door behind me and joined her to look out at the lit up city.

But just then, I felt something strange come towards us. I looked up into the sky and saw something fly down to us.

"Kari, stay behind me." I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her behind me. When the strange shadow came closer to the lights of the apartment, I saw that it was a digimon. A wizard looking digimon.

"Who are you?" Kari asked as the digimon hovered in the air.

"I am Wizardmon." He said.

"How are you able to fly like that?" Wizardmon chuckled, amused by Kari's innocent question. He didn't seem to want to harm either of us. He actually seemed quite friendly.

I let go of Kari's hand and set Luna on my shoulder.

"I sense no darkness inside you. Are you here to take Kari to Myotismon?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No, no, no, I would never do Kari any harm. And I would never want to try. After all, I wouldn't want to fight against you, Digi-mage."

Just then from the balcony wall, a white digimon appeared and landed in front of us. It was Gatomon.

"Oh, it's you, hello again. You're Agumon's friend, aren't you? How come you ran away the last time we saw you?" Kari asked.

Wizardmon took something from his pocket and placed it in Gatomon's gloved paw, then pushed her closer to Kari. I backed away with Luna, making sure that the two could meet eye to eye.

But when I got a closer look at the object in Gatomon's hand, my suspicions were confirmed. Gatomon was holding a digivice. Kari was the ninth child.

Kari stared at the digivice with curiosity and reached out to touch it.

"What is that thing? Can I see it?" As soon Jari touched the digivice, it reacted glowing and beeping with life.

I smiled at the sight while the digimon and Kari gasped in surprise.

"Wizardmon, tell me, is this girl the ninth digidestined?" Gatomon asked.

"Yes." Wizardmon replied, taking the digivice back.

"So, who is her digimon?"

"I think we both know the answer to that, Gatomon." I said, walking up to the cat digimon and kneeling down to her height.

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