𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮

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Taehyung bobbed his head as he walked down the street after finishing off his shift at work and the evening sunshine was warm, it was almost the end of summer and his summer break which wasn't good because he really didn't want to go back to his hectic schedule but he had no choice either, it was his last year and he kept telling himself to get through it because he came this far so why not just get past this barrier and achieve his goal?

He's eyes widened when an old woman's paper bag slit open from the bottom and all the oranges inside started to fall on the ground. He rushed over, crouching down and helping her pick them up quickly. "Thank you so much dear. Could you wait right here, I'll be right back with a bag" to which Taehyung kindly nodded, currently holding the oranges in his yellow t-shirt.

He looked around and noticed his reflection on a glass door of a shop, making sure he didn't look like a goblin he smiled at his reflection but then his eyes landed on what the small shop was about and noticed it was a store that sold gadgets and radios, old ones and not the high tech branded ones and if you know Kim Taehyung you also know that he's a sucker for old antique looking objects.

The woman rushed back with a plastic bag and Taehyung tipped the oranges in. The woman smiled, "god bless youy kind soul" she said handing him an orange.

After making sure the woman was all good to go Taehyung made his was over to the shop, pushing the door open and a small bell chimed above. The inside was all different shades of brown and dark colours everywhere and the evening sunlight casted through the blinds giving it a very 80's vibe.

"How may I help you?" The old man at the counter who was fixing a clock asked.

Taehyung shook his head quickly, "just, looking around" he smiled before his vision landed on a boom box.

Long story short Taehyung ended up buying it and was now was at the comforts of his apartment. He looked at it and pulled out the cassette tape the shop keeper gave him for free.

After figuring out how it exactly worked Taehyung inserted the cassette tape and pressed on play.

He sat back when music started to play and he instantly recognized it was an old English song. After listening to it a bit he caught on to the lyrics, grabbing his phone to check what it was.

"Lean on me... Bill Withers" he murmured

As the song ended he sighed softly, it was truly a nice song and Taehyung felt good...that until he heard the padding of quick feet and the muffled noises of yells.

He bit his lip and checked his phone. Though Jungkook took the slip that had his number he never called or texted him and Taehyung barely saw him after that.

He replayed the song and turned the volume up. What was he doing? He himself had no idea. However he grabbed the boom box and got on the sofa, holding it up to the ceiling as the song played.

Lean On Me [TAEKOOK FF]Where stories live. Discover now