Their family ran on structure, and everyone played an important role in keeping them running. Elliot had made sure to do background checks on everyone they'd be meeting tonight so nothing would surprise them, and on multiple nights for the past week the two of them had stayed up studying the faces of the men they were meeting, leaving nothing out; they couldn't go in blindsided.

"Pa!" Adriano-Brio yelled at his father Allegro, as he entered the room and the child began to waddle over to him.

Allegro picked up his son who'd made it to his feet before looking over Alejandro and Elliot.

"Everyone ready for tonight?"

They both nodded their heads as Allegro gave them a single nod, tonight, Allegro wouldn't be able to attend the meeting with them as he had another business meeting, he had to see about.

"Good, when it's done I'd like a report before we agree to any terms."

Alejandro watched Allegro kiss his son, "— and Elliot, I expect you to let me know if anything seems amiss." Elliot smirks before nodding.

"I trust you, fratello." (brother) Allegro says to him before leaving the room.

Elliot gave Alejandro a look before excusing himself, Alejandro nods before turning his attention to his other nephew who was alone eating a toy car and Alejandro chuckles at the toddlers antics as his mother soon arrived to retrieve him for a nap. Alejandro yawned, making his way to his own room for his own nap.


Alejandro dressed in his usual back suit, the top button left unbuttoned revealing his chest tattoo. He wore a classy gold chain around his neck and his dark charcoal hair, gelled back in a neat style. His stormy grey eyes accessed his appearance as he wrapped his gold Rolex watch around his wrist covering the end of his full length arm tattoos that covered both his arms. He ran a tender finger along his neatly cut scruff before stepping out of his tidy room and walking towards the common area where Elliot already stood with his loves Laya and Alessando.

Elliot's attire resembled his, sporting a black suit and neatly combed blonde hair that Laya gently pushed away from his forehead. Elliot had his gun strapped to his belt as he leaned forward and kissed Alessando on the lips before doing the same to Laya. Greece, Allegros's wife fluttered to Alejandro's side, her hand fixing his suit before she smiled up at him.
"Good luck,"

Alejandro gave her a small smile before Elliot walked towards him.
"Hey, you take care of my boy!" Alessando warned him.
Alejandro rolled his eyes, Elliot had been doing this with him for three years now and every single time Alessando would warn him about protecting his precious cargo. Alejandro looked towards Elliot who had an amused expression on his face before walking over to Alessando and embracing him again.

Fifteen minutes later, Elliot and himself were driving to their destination, followed by a car of five of their men close behind them. Alejandro pulled up at a large house, not as grande as their compound but spectacular none the less. Their guards flanked their sides as they walked towards the door that was opened for them and an older man stepped out.

"Gentlemen, I suppose you are the men, Mr. Khalil is expecting?"

Alejandro gave a brief nod before he and Elliot were escorted into a common area where men were stationed around at the exits and corners each holding rifles and Alejandro lifted his brows at the brazen attempt to display their power.

Dangerous In Black (four)Where stories live. Discover now