• fifty five: part two •

Start from the beginning

"She has post-traumatic amnesia." the doctor chimed in. "Like I mentioned before, she was able to move and speak shortly after waking up but she didn't recognize anyone in the room. She couldn't state her own name or age and she doesn't remember what happened to her."

I just stood there, speechless. Ain't this about a bitch. I swear if it ain't one thing it's another.

"It's only temporary though, right?" Trey asked.

"There's no way of telling. Usually we see people start to gain their full memory back within a few days, but other times it could take weeks, months, years, and in some cases..."

"It could be permanent." I said, finishing the sentence for her while shaking my head.

My girl really can't catch a break and it's ridiculous. I'm just not understanding what she did to deserve all these bad things happening to her lately.

"Unfortunately we can't predict when exactly her memory will come back, we just have to wait it out. I know this is difficult news for you but my advice would be to try to make the best of it. What matters the most is that she's alive."

I sighed, "You're right. You're absolutely right."

"Just be patient with her and take things slow. At least if she sees that there are people around her who love her and won't give up on her, she won't be frustrated about this whole situation and then it'll be easier on you as well."

We all nodded in agreement.

"I'll give you guys some time alone." she said before leaving.

"Well then, I guess I should introduce myself huh?" I chuckled nervously. "I'm Kelly, short for Kelendria but people who are close to me, like you, usually call me Kelz. We've been best friends for almost 20 years."

"Whaaat? Your pretty ass is my best friend? I'm a lucky bitch."

"Oh stawp it." I giggled. "That's all you boo. I don't have ugly friends, period."

"Are you sure? Cause they refuse to let me see my face so I'm thinking I look pretty tore up right now. Was the car accident really that bad?"

"Car-" I looked up at Chris in confusion and in return he gave me the 'just go with it' eyes. "Uh... Yeah girl, it was pretty serious. But don't even worry about it, your face will heal up quick. You're beautiful underneath all that anyway."

She smiled, "I like you. You have a nice, soothing voice. It's like I can feel that everything's gonna be okay just by hearing you talk. I can see why we've been friends for so long."

"You're gonna make me cry." I mumbled, fanning my eyes. The more she compliments me, the more bad I feel about how we left each other off before everything happened.

"Oh, you must be the emotional type." she said jokingly.

"I guess you can say it's one of my most notable traits."

"How bout we change the subject then. Who's your lil friend?" She looked between me and Trey and wiggled her eyebrows.

He chuckled, "I'm her husband Trey. Chris is my bro, we go way back."

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now