Surprise! (Amajiki Tamaki)

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"I'm pregnant."

Tamaki might actually pass out. He feels light-hearted. He might faint. His thoughts are racing. His heart is beating too fast and hard. He doesn't feel like he's functioning. He has to be dying. Is he dying? He can't be dying. He's going to have a child soon. He can't be dying.

Waving a hand in front of his face, you sit him down before you try to talk to him again, knowing from the look on his face he was taking the news... well? Not so well? He looked horrified but he admitted to wanting at least one child, even if he worried about how good of a father he'd be. But for now, his expression was just... blank.

Just give him time.

"A baby..." He whispers. "My baby? My baby..."

Maybe give him a just a little more time.

"A baby! A BABY!" He begins to get teary-eyed. "A baby."

There we go.

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