Nightmares (Toogata Mirio)

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Mirio often suffered from bad dreams at night, and you wondered if it was from his internship with Nighteye. As a hero, it was his duty to stare the horrors of the world in the face, look evil directly in the eye and continue to shine bright like a light of hope so regular civilians could feel safe. But what could make him feel safe? Who would stop the monsters from coming to get him when he was vulnerable?

Another hero, most likely. But his demons... they weren't physical foes they could fight, they were mental ones, constantly trying to chip away at his confidence and self-worth. They never won during the day, not while he was on duty, because he had a job to do and he would never let all his hard work to become a hero go to waste due to fleeting feelings. He had long since learned to trust his instinct in situations.

But at night... the demons could do as they pleased, he could only fend them off so long.

He wakes up in a cold sweat, vision blurry; he knows he's panicking and rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands, trying to steady his breathing. The nightmare had felt so vivid and real, he wasn't sure how he hadn't died of a heart attack in his sleep. He's sweating too... He glances over at your sleeping form, watching you shift around, and feels guilty that his nightmare had probably woken you up.

You roll over and face him with half-lidded eyes, still trying to grasp the situation, but it hadn't been the first time he'd had nightmares. It was painful to be unable to stop them from torturing him, but they were personal battles, one he had to duel with, but he knew them better than anyone else.

"Go back to sleep," You mumble sleepily. "When you meet the demons again you'll be ready, right?"

"You give good advice, considering you're half-asleep." He smiles, stroking your hair as you cuddle closer to him. "I'll be alright. I'll go back to bed soon,"

"Don't get so caught up in your thoughts, Mirio..." You let out a sleepy sigh. "You don't have to fight those battles alone, you know... at least for them, I'm here to help. Preferably not at midnight."

"...Thank you." He slides down in bed and brings you closer to him, kissing your forehead. "I should ask for your sage advice more often."

"You can... but also preferably not at midnight."

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