All too fast we reached the court-house. While Josie was looking for a parking spot, I saw Armani with his parents and his lawyer. They were standing out front. He looked bored like he had something better to do. That got me mad. Oh how I want to rip his head off now. Looking at his mom, she looked pissed off. His dad was just standing there looking worried. When we finally parked I got out taking in a big breath in.

Oh God, I hope I can do this!

I felt a hand on my lower back I looked to see Josie looking at me "When we walk passed them. Hold your head high. Don't answer to them they will have to wait till we get inside." I nodded feeling my nerves everywhere now.

We started on our way I felt Brianna take my hand. I did as I was told and picked my head up. Walking like I owned the place I wasn't going to let his mom or anyone for that matter stand in my way. As we got closer, his mom looked at me like I was trash. How can I tell? Well my dad use to look at me like that.

"You think your all high and mightily don't you?" His mom started but I said nothing "I can't wait to see your face when we win this case. You have nothing on my son!" I closed my eyes. Ignore her. Was all I kept saying to myself.

"Oh what. Can't talk, are you going to blame my son for that too!" she snapped out

From the corner of my eyes I see Josie turn to her.

"Ma'am, why don't you leave the fighting to the professionals? You need to get the facts straight or did your lawyer not share them with you?" With that she pushed open the door leaving fuming woman outside.

Once we were inside Josie lead us into the court room. While Josie and I took the stand Bri took a seat behind us. Josie said for me to take a seat, she pulled papers out organizing them. I heard the door's open reveling Armani and his family. I looked away not wanted to see them and I can hear his mom talking up a storm about this. I shook my head, she has no idea on what he does when he is not home.

Shortly after the judge walked in. The bailiff told us to stand "All parties please stand and raise your right hand." I stood up and did as told he looked at all of us "Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?" he said

"I do," we all said.

He turned to the Judge handing her a file "Harper Vs Samuels in a custody battle." the judge nodded looking through the papers then looked up to me.

"Okay, it says here that you Valentina Ryker Harper. Are requesting full custody of the baby. Who is unborn at the moment," she started.

"Yes, your honor." My voice was soft she was a little intimidating.

She nodded while looked at Josie "You may proceed."

"My client is requesting full custody for many reason. The main one being, is that Armani does not wish to be part of the baby's life. He has made that every clear." Josie started but Armani's lawyers but in cutting her off.

"That's not true your honor. He does wish to be in the baby's life. It Valentina who say's otherwise." He tried to argue.

"Is it he, who wants to be in the baby's life or is it his mother's?" Josie said firm. "Your honor, I have witness statements of the day he came up to my client. Stating, he wanted nothing to do with, his. Child. He made threats stating if she did not take care of it. He would himself. Not long after. She was beaten to the point where she almost lost her baby. Luckily the baby was able to be saved."

Damn she was on a roll!

The judge was looking at Josie but then looked to me. "I want to hear Valentina's statement from the start. Please take the stand."

Flicker in the Nightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن