S E V E N T Y - S I X

Start from the beginning

"Son of a- okay can I borrow your phone?" Mia didn't wait for her to answer and took it from her hands. She dialed Caroline's phone number and after a few rings she picked up.


"What's this i hear? My kids have run away?" Mia asked immediately bombarding her with questions.

Caroline gulped nervously, "Yes, but I've got the teachers on a locator spell to find them." She said in a semi reassuring tone.

"Who did they leave with?"

Caroline sighed, "That odd vampire boy named Roman." She said not thinking it was a bad thing.

Mia had heard his name before unfortunately she was always too busy to personally know all the kids, a matter she intended to fix when she goes back.

"Send me his information." Mia demanded before hanging up. Mia then turned to Freya, "please tell me you have more of that paste thing." Mia asked Freya with a hopeful look.

Freya sighed, "No but I know where I can get some." She said before rushing out to get what she needed.

Mia then dialed Klaus, "Nik?" She asked once the phone stopped ringing.

"Yes?" He asked trying his best not to drop the phone because of his blood filled hands that made it slippery.

"Hope and Carter left the school with some boy." Mia said making Klaus clench the phone.

"A boy?" He asked angrily.

Mia rolled her eyes, "Whatever! Carter will make sure she's fine in that department but get here now! We are going to get our kids." Mia said before hanging up and going into her room to get a fresh change of clothes.

For some odd reason, Mia tends to wear dark shades of color. From black to a dark red. It was odd to see her wear any lighter color, expect for white but nobody questioned when she did.

Freya arrived half an hour later with things and quickly made Mia what she needed to be concealed from the power of the Hollow.

Klaus arrived covered in blood, which Mia suspected from what Freya had told her and grabbed him a pair of clothes before putting it in a bag. "Come on you can change on the way." Mia said before rushing out.

"Send me The location!" Mia said to Freya who had a map out with their location. "Will do!" She yelled back before concentrating on the spell.

Once they were on the road Klaus began to take his shirt off, "You know if you wanted to see me then you could have asked." He smirked as he pulled the black clothing off.

Mia blushed and gripped the steering wheel harder, "Stop it." She whispered keeping her eyes on the road.

Klaus sighed loudly, "You don't know how much I miss you Mia." He confessed putting his head back on the seat.

"In more than one way I suspect." Mia said as she sped up, "But we can't think about us when the twins and Hope are in danger. Those nazis should have stayed dead." Mia said angrily.

"Because when I get my hands on the bastards that took my baby I'm going to-" Mia felt Klaus' hand on her thigh making her relax a little.

"Whatever it takes." He whispered staring at her with loving eyes. She was perfect to him.

Mia nodded keeping her eyes on the road and ignoring the rush of emotions coming towards her.

"Whatever it takes." She repeated.

Hope and Carter exited the car looking around, "Where the hell are we?" Carter asked a little worried. Roman chuckled, "This is where the witch agreed to meet us." He reassured.

Mia - k. mikaelson |completed| Where stories live. Discover now