• fifty five: part one •

Start from the beginning

"Bruh." I laughed. "How we gon fit all that shit in there?"

"...It's a pretty spacious trunk."


We got to the abandoned warehouse where this intervention was going to take place and had set everything up, including getting Casandra 'situated.'

We stood there as she began to regain consciousness and struggle to get herself free when she realized she was tied up to a chair.

"You ain't going nowhere so you might as well stop all that fighting. I already told you, the more difficult you are, the more likely you'll get hurt." I said.

"What the fuck is this?! Let me go Chris, I have places to be!"

"Oh I bet you do. That's why you're here right now. We have things to discuss."

"How in the hell did you even find me?" she groaned.

"Ya see Casandra, one of the main things that fooled me into dating your fraud ass in the first place was that we were both from Virginia. Thankfully that's one thing you didn't lie about. We used to always have heart-to-hearts about our past experiences. Like how you tend to move around a lot when you need change in your life but whenever you get into some type of trouble, the first thing you'll do is run back to your hometown in Virginia. Remember that?"

"Okay yes I remember that but what trouble do you assume I'm in?" she had the nerve to ask.

"You must really think I'm dumb." I chuckled. "I know what Melo did to La, obviously. I also know you were in the house earlier that day, which gives me a reason to believe you witnessed him attacking her, correct?"

"I- I walked in on it... But I tried to get him to stop."

"You're lying to me."

"I'm not lying! I told him she's had enough but he wouldn't listen to me. He threatened me and I got scared so..."

"You ran away." I said, finishing her sentence for her.

"What was I supposed to do? My life was in danger at that point so I had to escape."

"You could've called the cops once you got out of harm's way, you could've found some type of weapon, snuck back inside the room and snuffed him from behind, something! But instead you simply chose to run away and act like you ain't had nothing to do with the situation."

"I was scared!" she exclaimed. "I've never seen that side of him before. I never wanted him to hurt her that bad—"

"See, there you go lying again. You definitely did want to see her hurt, that's what you wanted all along. I'm sure you've been using Melo to get back at La and get rid of her so you can have me all to yourself. Don't try to act like the 'good girl' now cause I'm not falling for it."

"Okay fine, you're right. I did want her out of the picture by any means necessary. I know I did some sketchy shit, especially lying to you about my identity to hide who my sister was, but I did it because I didn't want to ruin what we had. I love you Chris. I've never stopped loving you. The way I feel about you is realer than ever and I just wanted to show you that I was the right woman for you."

"I hate to break it to you sweetheart, but I don't give a fuck. Normal people would just accept when things don't work out between them and someone else. That plotting shit is weird as hell, and dumb. If La doesn't make it through this, just know it will partially — no, significantly — be your fault."

I watched her in disgust as tears welled up in her eyes. "Could you at least untie me now?"

"Nah, I still haven't gotten all my answers. What's here in Virginia for it to be the only place you feel safe going to? Or should I say who."

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now