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Lisa POV

Just scored myself a date. I was smiling the whole time now till Jungkook told me that we had to get ready.

"Get ready for what?" I whispered to him.

"For are new collaboration"

"We're gonna debut it now" my eyes widened

"SURPRISE" Jungkook smiled

"And RT already knows. I talked to him already"

"He said that BigHit and RT Entertainment are gonna release the song after we recorded it" Jungkook continued "They just have to know when we're free for that"

"Oh okay. Good thing we practiced over the phone" Jungkook nodded his head.

"I look so hot" I teased.

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"We're gonna get going now guys" Jungkook dragged me to the back stage.

"How we gonna do this" I asked.

"We haven't actually rehearsed this but let's just stand and sing it"

"Do the same thing we did over phone" He just nodded.

"The make-up and stylist are here. Are you guys ready" Manger oppa showed up.


"Great go sit over there and they'll be right with you" we walked over there and sat down.

"The fans are gonna be so happy about this collaboration" I smiled just think about it.

"Their happy to the fact that we're friends"

"Family" I corrected him

"Yeah family" he smiled to me.

The make-up and stylist was finally here.

In about 2 minutes they were done.

As we got closer to the stage we heard the MC introducing us as the last performance of the year.

Jungkook and I held hands as we walked into the stage. Then let go of each other hand once we were ready.

The music starts playing and it turned quiet. The light dimmed to match the tone of the song.

(Pretended Tori was Lisa also lisa did sing paper heart but it's was the full song of it)

As the song slowly faded away. The light turned oh.

Everyone started calling and screaming. The award ceremony was finally over. Jungkook and I made are way to are seat to listen to the MC.

"Maybe I have the Idols come up to eh stage to take some pictures before we depart"

Everyone standing standing up. I stuck close to Jungkook and BamBam.

We walked to the stage and everyone got in there places near there groups and friends.

Jungkook, BamBam and I were all bending down while J-Hope and Mark and Jin and Jimin and Jackson were on the ground. The other were standing behind us.

My only Idol (LISA X IRENE)Where stories live. Discover now