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News about Lisa of BlackPink departure of YG entertainment went around.

There were some comments like "BEST NEWS EVER" and "Who was Lisa again" most of the bad comments were Lisa haters. Or people who just can't stan foreigner.

It's been a week already and Lisa been keeping uncover. Till she was ready to face the media again.

The Blackpink members or what's left of BlackPink are currently having a celebration right now.

Since Lisa left, YG decided to have a collaboration with RedVelvet and Twice of JYP and SM entertainment.

Everyone in the room right now knows that this will beat many records and reach peak of achievement that a lot of idols dreams of. This one collaboration will go down in history.


It's been a week already. Times few when your having fun. By what I ment with having fun is sleeping in all day and practicing vocals and dancing.

I think I'm ready to go back into the entertainment world. But it's gonna be hard for me. Knowing that many entertainment doesn't like foreigner or idols with a lot of scandals or hate.

You know what I'm just gonna do down the park. I really need a breather right now. Trying to figure out with life is hard mostly when time is running out.

The park I live by is only a 5 min walk since it's by the river.

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Damn it what am I supposed to do know. Many of my big time artists just quit on me. What did I go wrong. Sells are dropping and right now the entertainment is gonna go bankrupt soon if I don't find an artist quick.

I know my entertainment is still a beginner since we just created it 2 years ago. So my company name isn't that big yet.

Attracting people to join the company is hard when most people don't like small and unknown company like mine.

All my hard work gone to waste. My dream of being one of the big entertainment company is coming down. Just like my hope.

"Excuse me sir but are you okay" a person poking me asked.

I sorta needed a breather after my last artist quit one me so now I'm artist free.
My life is going so great. Note the sarcasm.

"Go away, can't you see I'm in the cris right now" I replied kinds rudely then I met to come out.

I get grumpy when I'm hungry.

Just as the person was gonna say something my tummy growl. I got flustered and try to cover it up. But the girl just laught.

"Wanna get some lunch with me and talk" the girl asked me again but I didn't look at her yet.

"Sur- Lisa. The Lisa Monaban member of BlackPink" I gasped out.

"Well ex, I quit being in YG" Lisa lower her head.

"Omg thats great" I said excitedly.

"Excuse me" she made an offensed face at me.

"I mean not great that you quit but great that maybe you can work for me", I said a little to fast because she was just staring at me.

"What kind of job" Better not let this one in a opportunity to go to convince Lisa to join us.

"Well I want you to work for me as an Idol of RT Entertainment. I made this company 2 years ago but it's a still not know yet. Many of my artist quit on my to join bigger company. That's why I'm here right now. To get people to join and I need air" I said trying to reason with her.

"I am looking for a job" Omg great. If I could see myself my eyes are probably sparkling right now.

"You offered lunch right? So let's talk about it there" I took out my hand for a hand shake.

"Okay, I talk up on your offer I'll work for you as long as I can't set my own rules for me" She shook my hands.

"Deal. My name is RT and I promise you. I'll make you big and make your dream come true as long as your under me company" I said with a smile.

"It's gonna be nice working with ya, Mr. RT" She gaved a smile back.

"Let's get lunch and sign some papers" I said to her as we walked into a cafe.

"When will I start work at" She asked me. Since she was already an Idol with a lot of talent and potential. She won't need to be train but since she has alit of news on her. They need to die down then we'll bring her out into the new world.

"You can't start tommorow but with news that you left YG Entertainment. We need to let that news die down" I said to her and she nodded.

"I agree with that" She said.

"We'll help you with your vocals since your a rapper and dancer at your old entertainment." I have a lot of faith in her. I can see that she'll be big in the future.

"So I'll come to RT Entertainment tommorow and practice and can we start working on an album while we wait for the news to die down" She asked me hesitantly.

"Of course. It's gonna be nice working with you Lisa Monaban" I happily smiled at her.

I'm only 28 years old but I have an energy as a kid plus an attitude as one too.

I treasure everyone is my company as family. They aren't tools for money. They have feeling and emotion. I promise on my life I won't ever become power or money hungry.

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