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Irene POV

Lisa was staring at me.

I don't know how long we started into each other eyes but it was long enough for the guys to tease us.

When we broke off from are trans I quickly turn away and faced the stage. I didn't want them to see my blushing face.

I heard them calling for me but I didn't move or budge.

They soon gaved up after 10 callings.

"Irene unnie"

I turn to Jennie and Yeri who was now look at me.

I noticed that the girls are now watching the stage and the guys are quiet too.

"Yes" I raised my eye brows.

"What's wrong?" Jennie asked.

"Nothing at all" I smiled.

"You sure? Cuz you can tell use any thing like actually anything" Yeri teased me.

I swear this girl.

I rolled my eyes then elbowed her.

"But you promise you'll tell us tonight" Yeri whinned.

I put my finger to my lips.

Yeri finally shut up and turn to the stage and watch as the group preform.

I heard from the back that Lisa had to leave to get ready for her own performance.

I don't know why but my heart skipped a beat knowing that I would be watching Lisa performance.

"Your wifey going up soon" I jumped to the voice.

"She's not my wife" I shuttered

"Not yet" Jennie and Yeri just laughed. BamBam attention was now on the stage.

As I looked around so was everyone.

I heard heard the intro and my heart started beating.

All through the song the fans were cheer hard. Everyone even other Idols, eyes were on Lisa the whole time.

Even I was watching every moves of her. I don't think she even realized but everyone here was now seduced by her.

As the song came to an end. Loud shouts from the back came through.

"DADDY LISA/OPPA LISA" from Got7 and BTS was heard through out the place.

So after all the fans where shouting with Got7 and BTS.

Lisa on the other hand was a blushing mess trying to get to the back stage.

The crowd was still chanting and screaming until the other group started to perform making everyone to quiet down.


Lisa POV

As I performed I could feels eyes on me. I felt a chill going down my spine as I made eye contact with Irene for a second.

My anxiety came into play but I kept dancing. I could feel her eyes on me as I moved.

Just by her cold gaze the adrenaline from people screaming and cheering made me keep dancing.

My only Idol (LISA X IRENE)Where stories live. Discover now