Chapter 19

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We were flying to the warehouse, most of the Treekas were. 90 of the Treekas were flying there. The rest had to stay and take care of the hatchlings.

I had finally broken my promise to Zoey. I left our children with the others. I had to. I had to save Zoey.

I finally saw the old warehouse that Vincent was taking us to. It was time for the plan to be set into motion.

We all landed in front of the warehouse. Kaliq had followed on the ground and now walked towards the warehouse.

"Dad! Come out here now, let's talk face to face, father to son!"

A few Nikkas came out of the warehouse and Kaliq looked confused, "Where's my dad?"

"You must be the kid he talked about and-" the Nikkas paused after realizing all of us were here, "Wait, you brought all of the Treekas here? You brought a dangerous species here?"

"Wait! Listen to me, Treekas aren't dangerous. None of them are attacking, right? Not one of them has attacked us since we came to this planet. Isn't it kind of a coincidence that they started attacking after my father started to plan to destroy the Treekas?"

"Maybe they decided to just attack us! You don't know that!"

Just then another Nikkas came out of the building and spotted Kaliq. He seemed to grow really angry and walked over to Kaliq.

"What are you doing here? You are a worthless peice of sh*t! No one likes you and you shouldn't exist! Did you come here to attack with your Treekas?" The Nikkas growled.

"See everyone! This is who is really is. We only came here to get back the Treekas he stole. We aren't here to attack."

Kaliq's father seemed to realize his mistake too late and paled once he realized it. The attention flickered to Kaliq's father and the Nikkas that was talking to Kaliq walked over to him.

"Is this true? Did you almost make us destroy a whole f*cking species because you hated your son? No one will want to follow you anymore!" The Nikkas paused and looked over at two other Nikkas, "You two are police, right? Arrest him, he doesn't deserve to live a free life!"

The two Nikkas acted immediately and walked over to Kaliq's father. They both grabbed him and dragged him away.

"We will let the Treekas out and I promise you that no one will ever try to kill the Treekas again!" The Nikkas put his fist over his chest and Kaliq did it back to him. The Nikkas nodded and gestured to another Nikkas to go and release Zoey.

We did it! Zoey was saved and no Nikkas would try to hurt us every again!

Zoeys POV

I flicked my ears up as I heard footsteps coming towards my cell. I raised my head and watched as a Nikkas came over to my cell.

"You are free now. All of the Treekas are saved." The Nikkas said.

"Hey, did you guys managed to do it? Are you out there?" I contacted Drake.

"Yes, you are saved. The whole Treekas race is saved. They won't hurt us anymore." Came the reply.

I leaped up from where I was sitting and raced out of the cell, flapping my wings.

I flew out of the warehouse and found Drake and at least fifty other Treekas sitting outside of the warehouse. When Drake saw me he raced over to me and we tackled each other to the ground.

He curled up around me and I breathed in his scent, relaxed and happy.

We were safe now. Drake and Kaliq did it!


So the story is over! Or is it? I lied, I have the epilogue to write and then the story is officially over. This story has definitely been a bumpy roller coaster with me not writing for a long time, but this story will finally get an ending. I love you dragon babies!


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