Chapter 3

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The Nikkas gave me and Drake something to make us pass out.

I woke up and looked around I was in a forest of some sort and Drake was right beside me. Our eggs were in the middle of us. Drake woke up and looked around.

"What happened?"

"The Nikkas put us to sleep!!!" I stretched out both of my wings expecting them to hurt, but they barely ached. I was in shock. "My wings are healed!"

"What??? Well I guess we can escape now." I nodded. I stood up and flew around. I realized we were in a cage of some sort with Nikkas looking in at us.

"Ummm..... I think we are in a zoo!!!" I felt Drake's shock.

"We need to escape this zoo!!!!"

"I agree!" I flew to the end of the cage. "We might be able to dig our way out!"

"I'll help you." Drake flew over to me and I started to dig.

Nearly the whole day had passed before we reached the other side of the cage. I was so tired that I could just collapse and stay there for a billion years.

"We should sleep until night then escape with our eggs!" Drake agreed and so we flew back to our eggs.

We found an area near a tree and so we dug a tunnel and hollowed it out. We took the eggs inside and fell asleep.

I woke up with a very sharp pain in my stomach. I then realized that I hadn't eaten anything other than two days ago.

I squeaked in alarm and I ran out of the tunnel into the small forest. I sniffed the air and I caught the sweet scent of berries and a rabbit. Nikkas must think Teekas eat meat! I laughed to myself.

I followed the sweet scent until I came upon Teekas heaven. I raced forward and put as many berries as I could fit into my mouth. I realized that at this moment I probably looked like a hamster stuffing seeds into its cheek pouch!

When I was done I flew back to the tunnel and I spit out the berries. The scent of the berries must of brought Drake out of sleep because a few seconds later he came outside.

I had already eaten a berry, so I let him eat a berry before I continued to eat. The sharp pain in my stomach eased as I ate each berry. Soon the sharp pain was nearly gone so I popped one more berry in my mouth and I sat back to watch Drake finish.

When he was finished we flew back to where the tunnel to the outside was. Then I realized we forgot the eggs so I made Drake go back and get them.

Drake came back with an egg in each claw and with only one claw to spare. I picked up one of the eggs then we both went into the tunnel out of the cage.

I stopped for a moment to let my instinct get stronger. I stopped before my instinct got too strong. My instinct told me that my den was to the left.

A Teekas female's instinct could find where their 'true den' was. The 'true den' was where the eggs were born. The instinct would stop either with the eggs\hatchlings dying or when the hatchlings could fly.

I followed my instinct and I came upon a Nikkas. All of a sudden my grip on the egg faltered and the egg fell into the palm of the Nikkas.

My instinct took over me when I saw that a 'random creature' had MY egg. I dived in on the Nikkas and my claws scraped the skin of the Nikkas. Blood flew from the wound.

The Nikkas screamed out in pain and tried to stop the blood in doing so it dropped my egg. I dived after my egg and caught it in my claws.

Drake was waiting for me. He had been keeping guard incase any other Nikkas heard the scream and was trying to find the source.

When I came up next to Drake he began to fly. I flew in front of him as I let my instincts tell me where to go.

We soon arrived to the park and I saw a lot of the Teekas gathered around someone. I decided to put my egg back before joining them. Drake followed me to the den.

I went inside of the den and I put the egg inside. Drake put the other two inside as well. I came back out of the tunnel and I flew back to where the Teekas had gathered.

I arrived and I saw them gathered around a Nikkas. Not just any Nikkas, a child, a boy. One of the Teekas saw me and flew up to me.

"Zoey! Drake! You guys survived, your alive!"

"What's going on?"

The Teekas sighed before answering, "A Teekas managed to tap into the link that holds the knowledge of the Nikkas and any other weird thing. You know when all of us managed to know who drived the space ship a while back. We decided to call it 'Blood Memories'. Anyway the Teekas found out that dragons and Nikkas were very much bonded. There is one Nikkas that was like the king of all Teekas. This Nikkas would have a 'bonded soul' which means that one Teekas would be like the second in command. The Teekas mate would also be in second command."

As the Teekas was explaining all of this I tried to wrap my head around this. The Nikkas that everyone is gathered around is the "King of all Teekas" and that one Teekas would be like..... bonded to him??? That Teekas would be second in command.

It confused me but I got the basics of it. Just then I realized that the world of the Teekas got a whole lot bigger!!!!
Well that was intense!!!! There is a king of Teekas and that king is a Nikkas!!???
I know everyone that is very weird and strange but it helps to make everything a whole lot more interesting!
So everyone the next chapter will be posted next Sunday!!!!! Now I need to go and work on it!!!!
I love all you Dragon Babies!!!


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