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1 year later

It has been one year since we made peace with the Nikkas. Link made a full recovery and now has a mate of his own now. He also has two hatchlings! I'm a grandmother!

Zelda is still a single women and has declared that she will stay one, but someone is currently trying to win her heart. *wink*

Mipha came out as lesbian and has found the perfect mate. They are happy without having any children and are content with taking care of any of Link's hatchlings when Link and his mate want some alone time.

Kaliq has started to make his own inventions and has made a lot of cool items. He has never found anyone, but don't worry Drake and I are trying to get him to go out into the world and find someone.

As for Drake and I, we love taking care of our grandkids and I am also pregnant with our second clutch of eggs. This time I decided to make the den earlier to stop Drake from worrying.

The whole Treekas race has continued to grow and our numbers are now 173. We had no more problems from the Nikkas and we continue to live our life worry-free once again.

This has been my story, from a human to a hybrid. It has been a long roller coaster, but everything is fine once again.

Thank you everyone for listening to my story!



But, don't worry everyone. I will still be on Wattpad and expect some more stories from me! If anyone would like to ask any questions to either me or any of the characters then put your question here and I will answer them in another part. (If I get enough questions, if not then I'll just answer your question when you post it)

If anyone wants to know what story I'm doing next:

I'm going to write Raven's Reign. I can't tell you when I will start updating it, but it probably won't be for awhile.

Thank you for sticking with me through this bumpy ride and this is the last time I'll ever say this on this story:

I love you dragon babies!


Normal to HybridDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora