Chapter 15

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"The Nikkas came back. They look like the same ones that injured Link." Drake woke me up from my sleep.

It took me a few moments for my sleepy brain to register what he just said and when I did I leaped up from where I was sleeping in the den.

Yes, we could finally seek revenge on the Nikkas. They would pay for what they did for Link.

It was two mornings later and the first day the guards had seen nothing, but today it looked like we might figure out who did this to Link. We could figure out if it was Kaliq's father or not.

I raced over to where Drake was, he was sitting in one of the trees and carefully watching two Nikkas as they wandered the forest.

I landed next to Drake without being seen and watched them for a moment, "I'm going to follow them to see where they go. I'm going to see if they will lead me back to their base."

"I'm coming with you." Drake replied without a moment of hesitation.

"You can't! Drake, you have to stay here with Zelda and Mipha. You have to make sure Link is okay. If something happens to me our children have to have a parent." I cried, hoping he would listen to me.

Drake looked over me and after a few moments of hesitation replied, "Okay, I'll stay here with our children."

I smiled at him before looking back over at the Nikkas. I continued watching them until they began to move.

I began to follow them from a safe distance away, never once questioning why they would only stay in the woods for only few moments.

They went out of the woods and I hesitated on the edge of where my home ended and their world began.

I took a deep breath before I continued to follow them, slinking low to the ground, hoping no Nikkas would notice me as I followed them.

I followed them down a few 'streets' or whatever they were called, dodging any Nikkas that spotted me, hoping they would mistake me for a weird flash of light.

The Nikkas continued onward until they came across an old warehouse. It looked like that might be their final destination and so I hopped into a bush to make sure I wouldn't be seen.

I settled down before I tried to listen into their conversation.

"Is it here?"

"Yeah, we did exactly what the boss told us to do."

"Good Job, go tell the boss the news. We will take care of it."

I watched some of the Nikkas leave and began to ponder, who was here? And what will they take of?

I watched again as some armoured Nikkas came out of the old warehouse and I tensed up, wondering what they were going to do.

One of them held out this weird device and slowly went around in a circle, they stopped once the device pointed to my hiding place.

Wait, my hiding place? Oh no, this must of been a trap and I walked right into it.

I tensed up my muscles and tried to slip out of my hiding place and get away, but I was too slow.

One of the Nikkas spotted me and I abandoned my sneaky get away for a more quick one.

I unfurled my wings and leaped up, flapping my wings as they lifted me up into the air. Adrenaline rushed in my veins as I tried to fly as far up as I could.

I heard a loud bang and felt something hit my side. I turned my head to see what hit me and saw a weird looking dart thing sticking out of my side.

My flying began to get sluggish as I felt my limbs quickly get sleepy. I tried my best to continue flying, but my brain felt way too tired and right before my brain fully went blank I felt myself falling very quickly towards the ground. I blacked out before I hit the ground and was soon encased in deep darkness with my thoughts flying aimlessly around.

I tried to collect all of my thoughts, but they slipped just out of my grasp and I soon gave up.

My thoughts continued to race around as I sat there. One of the thoughts was bigger than the others, a question, one I couldn't answer, no matter how hard I tried to.

Would I ever see my family again or would I be trapped in this eternal darkness forever with only my thoughts to keep me company?

Sooooooo everyone I kept my word and updated!

This chapter definitely contained some angst! :( Surprisingly, I still remember the main plot lines that I came up with like 8 months ago. Crazy right? I can't remember what I just studied, but I can remember the main plot lines to a story I haven't written in 8 months, LOVELY! XD Anyway, I'll hopefully publish another chapter soon and I love you my dragon babies!


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