Chapter 11

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I looked down from my perch to see Link playing with some other hatchlings. He was happy that he had some guy friends now.

I chuckled at that thought. He literally came up to me and was like trying to act cool saying and I quote:
"I got some cool friends they now the best places to hang. I have some guys who know what's up so I don't need to hang out with my sisters."

He literally had me dead. He was not cool, but he's happy so whatever.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when Link mind linked me.

"Can I hang with my friends?"

"As long as you are careful! Remember don't talk to Nikkas."

"Whatever mom."

And with that the mind link was cut off. Sometimes I worry for that boy, but Drake just tells me "it's a phase". Yeah right! My parents said that about me, but they were always wrong.

Just then Drake landed beside me.

"You thinking about me?"


"Ooooooooooo is it because I'm soooooo cool?"

"Wait, your cool??????? Since when????"

Drake huffed and looked over at me, an unamused look on his face.

"I'm always cool."

"No your not and I was thinking about how wrong you are."

"Me, wrong? What????? How could there be those two words in the same sentence????"

"Fine, Drake, also known as my mate, who thinks he's cool, is wrong."

"I'm done with you!!!!!" Drake huffed and flew away.

I instantly stretched out, glad that Drake left, so I could have some room.

I was nearly fast asleep when I heard a panicked voice, "Zoey!!!!! Come quick, it's Link and he looks bad like really bad."

I immediately jumped from my spot on the branch, nearly falling over in the process because I was so drowsy, and I flew off, panicked for my son.

It wasn't a moment later when I realized that I had no idea where I was going.


"Near the east end of the forest"

"On my way!"

I sped over to the east end, faster than the Flash and lightning itself to get to my son.

I made it there and I felt my heart break and I nearly just wanted to die.

My son was laying down........
Cliffhanger!!!!! And sorry I didn't publish a chapter before. I didn't want to write. Not until I read _Gieo_'s Story, Winged. So go thank her for this update. She made me want to make my fan fic.


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