Chapter 16

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I was in this eternal darkness for what felt like forever. It probably wasn't, but when you have nothing to do except stare at your thoughts then it's a pretty long time.

The first sign of me waking up was a small light in the darkness. It was barely noticeable, but since I completely memorized the place where I sat it was very noticeable for me.

I reached my talons over to the light and it seemed to grow slightly bigger.

Hope began to grow in the bottom of my chest. Would I finally get out of the darkness?

I shot off like a rocket towards the light and left my thoughts behind me. The light continued to grow as did the hope in my chest.

The light covered my entire vision before darkness once again settled like a blanket over my eyes.

The flower of hope in my chest swiveled up and died. Disappoint grew where the flower once stood.

I looked around at the new darkness before me and realized it wasn't completely dark. I could make out some vivid shapes in the darkness and then it struck me that I wasn't stuck in my mind any longer.

I waited, impatiently for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Once it did I looked around at my surroundings and saw that I was in some sort of jail cell.

In front of me was very thick bars that I don't think even a Treekas could break through. The spaces between the bars were so small that only a rat could fit through. The walls that made up the cell were made of some sort of metal.

The whole cell looked like it was designed to keep a Treekas in. Whoever made the cell definitely knew what they were doing.

That thought alone scared me enough that I didn't want to meet the constructor of the cell. They probably weren't a friend of the Treekas.

I looked down at my body to find a small crack in my scales where the dart managed to slip through. The rest of my body seemed physically unharmed and so I decided to stand.

My muscles protested at my attempt to stand after not being used for possibly a long amount of time.

Once I managed to stand I unfurled my wings and stretched my muscles. Then I began to walk forward, exploring every inch of my cell, looking for a way out.

I bashed my body at different sections of the cell to test the strength of the metal. The metal didn't budge and no cracks formed.

After seeing no way out I opened my mouth wide and felt the familiar heat of fire forming in the back of my throat.

I let the fire build up before I unleashed it on the metal. I felt the strength leave my muscles as I spewed fire onto the metal, but I continued on.

I only stopped after black dots filled the corners of my vision.

I inspected the metal again to find no damage done to the metal. The only sign of what occurred was the heat I felt when I touched my talons to the metal. Other than that the metal was left intact with no way of me escaping.

I sighed in disappointment and flopped down onto the floor, completely exhausted.

I stared at the metal with furious eyes, hoping that somehow the metal wall would give me a clue on how to escape.

Like expected, the metal wall did not do anything and only caused me to become more frustrated.

My eyes began to droop and a wave of tiredness washed over me like a tsunami. I struggled to stay awake and after one final wave of tiredness I was pushed into yet another long corridor of darkness.

It seemed like I would never be able to escape the darkness and would forever be trapped without any means of escape. My only friends would be my thoughts and even then sometimes my thoughts wouldn't be my friends, then I would be truly alone.

That scared me more than death ever could. My only hope of escape now would be Drake and the Treekas. If they ever find out where the Nikkas base was.

Drakes POV (I figured I should probably let everyone know what is happening with the others because otherwise this chapter would end right now and that would be a short chapter!)

I stared into the Nikkas' world, my thoughts never leaving me a moment of silent.

It had been days, which was way too long, after Zoey left, following the Nikkas. She never returned and every day I sat here, waiting for her to return.

I think it has been three days since she left, but I wasn't sure. The only thing I was sure of is that something was wrong. My instincts screamed at me to do something, but I made a promise to Zoey, to stay and take care of our children, I made a promise that I wish I had not.

If I hadn't promised her anything then I would be out searching for her. I might of already found her and would be rescuing her, but I was stuck here, a war happening in my mind, to stay or to search, to break my promise or to keep it.

Each battle I would stay, afraid of what could happen to Link if I didn't, but as each battle happened the urge to search grew stronger and one day, my promise would be broken, but for right now the war was still happening.

My train of thought was broken when someone landed next to me. I turned to see who it was, it was Vincent, Zoey's ex best friend.

"She's not back yet?" He questioned, worry in his voice.

"No," I replied, my gaze back on the Nikkas' world.

"Why aren't you out there searching for here?" He asked.

"A promise," was my short answer, full of sadness.

He stayed quiet for a few moments, perhaps in thought before saying, "Well since this promise is holding you back do you want me to search for Zoey?"

I dragged my gaze away from the Nikkas' world and studied him very carefully, wondering if he might be lying.

"I can help. I promise."

I promise.

Another promise made, another promise that might get broken.

"Fine, if you want to then you can go searching for her." I finally replied, after seeing no signs of a lie.

"I'll start right now." He said before shooting off out of the forest and into the unknown.

I watched him for a short while before sighing, he's the only hope I have now. If he fails in finding her, then there might be no chance of ever seeing my beautiful mate again.

My chest tightened at the thought and tears poured from my soul.

Please succeed in finding her, my beautiful mate. Please. I begged before tears covered my vision, Please!

The anguish is continuing ladies and gentleman! Lmao aren't I such a nice author? You all probably hate me right now, but that's okay! I give you all permission to hate me! But anyway, I love all of you dragon babies!!!!


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