Chapter 19

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"Arghhh! You will going to die in my hand!" The evil witch hands the jewels and the 7 jewels turn into black to red.
"Give me the power of this jewels!" She shouted it but tge jewels doesn't work, "why this jewels?" She spell the magic and the jewels broken.
"Arghhhhh!" The light of jewels appears with the cherry blossom trees, "its remember me..." Y/n hold her head and she remembers something.

When Y/n was 5 years old...

"Mama! Papa! Looks at this!" Y/n pointed the cherry blossoms trees, "its beautiful" Honghong and Touhou looks at the trees.
"Y/n looked at this" Honghong makes a flames to jewels, the red eyes jewel, "mama! This is so beautiful indeed" Y/n said that to Honghong, "and looked at this Y/n" Touhou plucked the leaf and turn into green jewels, Touhou appearing the dragon at his hand and placed it at the jewel.
"Its that beautiful~~~" Touhou wanted her daughter praised him, "huh! I will makes the jewels thought more than you" They both arguing.
"But Y/n we makes this jewels was so powerful though you can control it not others than you" Her mother said it to her, "but why you makes this Mama, Papa" Y/n ask her parents.
"Because we trust you and you will protected your clan and families even peoples" They said to Y/n.


"This jewels doesn't powerful though but this jewels inside at this its means love" Y/n realised it, "Huh! They such amazing person that i'll respected it" Y/n chucked.
"Well, i could handle this" Y/n makes a ropes by plants and leading to evil witch.

"Y/n are you sure of this" Kaito ask Y/n, "yeah~~~Kaito-kun" Kaito wrap His arm around her waist.
"You! Aahhhhhh" Y/n tied the evil witch with plants rope and cover her mouth with the leaf, "so....i will make you suffer" Y/n laugh evilly.
"Y/n..." Kaito and others warn her, "im just kidding" Y/n laughed.

The evil witch was arrested by the L/n guard, "i will kill you!" , "and i will kill you like you do to my both parents" Y/n smile evilly.

"Yeah! This is the end!!!" Kitsu shouted, "Kitsu" Hateki Cover her mouth.
"Y/n...your magic might not be control but we decided that you should not use your magic at this time" Yaya tell her, "Hai!" Y/n laughing.

"We be get going...see you in the future!" They waving and transport to L/n village.
"Bye!" Y/n and others waving to them.
"Heh! I did know Y/n was really powerful thought" Kaito chuckled, "hahaha" you should going to hospital" Y/n said to Kaito and Kaito sighing.

"They was amazing couple right" Hana point to them, "Yeah...." Hakuba nodded beside Hana. They staring at each other then blushing mess.
"Hmmm..."Aoko staring them, "a little bit lonely..." Hyugo spoke, Aoko startle, "Prince! What are you doing here?" Aoko ask him, "i want to give you this" Hyugo give Aoko flower and the walk away from her.

"Looks like Hyugo and Hateki has girl they like" the others prince quietly jealous to them.
"But Satoshi doesn't have a girl he likes right" they look at Satoshi who's flirt with Akako, then they sweat drop, "Nani!!!!!".

After 5 years...

"Mama! Where is Papa!" (Son names) ask her mother who's Y/n, "your father was...." Y/n looked around to fine her husband, Kaito Kuroba.
"I don't fine your father.." Y/n disappointed, suddenly Someone arms hug Y/n at behind, "Kuroba-kun!" Y/n startle.
"Found Papa" (son names) laughing, "looks like papa will tickling you" Y/n looked at then and laughing.

"Looks like I have family to take care and loves them to the end" Y/n smile.
"Mama! Join us play" (son names) excited, "yeah! Join us!" Kaito laughing.
"Fine" Y/n joined them played and Kaito showed magic trick to them.

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