Chapter 16

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They laugh, "then Y/n,..." Kaito whisper at Y/n and said to her, "we are couple now~~~".

To be continued...


"Ughhhhh, i cannot sleep because of thats....ughhhh" i rolled on my bed.

Conversation with Y/n and Kaito...

We laugh together, "then Y/n..." he whisper at my ear and said, "we are couple now~~~".

"Ehhhh! Baka! Baka!" I hit at his head, "ouch, its true though. We already confessed then we are true couple now" he said with smirk on his face.
I faced him, "are you crazy?" I raised my eyebrows, "yeah..." he grin.
I rolled my eyes and accept it, "fine but i don't want your fangirls kill me" i glared at him, "okay,i'll protect you with my all hearts".
I looked at him with disguised face, "yiks" he pouted and i laughed at him.


"Huh? I didn't know that im couple with him. Its that mean im taken?" I thinking without know the time its 4:30 a.m.
I look at my cloak, "ehhhhh!" without thinking i back to sleep.

At school...

"Huh! I slept at time 4:30 a.m." i talk to my  mind without know i bump into someone. I look at that person, "Kaito-san" i raise my eyebrow, "look its my girlfriend bump to her boyfriend while she was blunt of it" he tease me.

I smack harder at his head and walk away, "hey, thats mean" i laugh evilly, "thanks...", "thats not compliment, love~~~" i shiver when he's said that.
"Don't called me that, jerk" i hit his head, "Y/n when you become my girlfriend. You being means a lot with me but thats okay i steal your heart every times with my magic trick" i blushing mess and walk fast leaving Kaito there.


After finishing school...

Y/n yawn but Y/n suddenly remembered that she read the message.

Y/n we have family meetings today. This is about a secret jewel that our grandmothers told we a story about dangerous jewel.

"Secret jewel? Dangerous jewel? Huh! A magic war actually begin" Y/n smirk, "but i hope someone don't get a danger because of this" Y/n sigh.

Suddenly, someone called her behind, she look who is it but Kaito and his friends called her.
"Y/n! You should know that Kaito kid will steal green dragon eyes jewel this night" Aoko excited. Y/n look Akako while raised her eyebrows then she smirk, "i know Akako data that she actually witch but i don't know but she usually use dark magic around her. I sense her dark magic but she actually nice witch. I think kaito know her but he actually keep her secret." Y/n thought.
"Hey, Kaito-kun i want to talk you. Sorry guys, me and Kaito are going to grocery shopping because i want him to help me..." I laugh nervous, "Y/n-chan are you and Kaito was actually in relationship" Kitsu appear like ninja.
"Aaaaaaaaa!" Aoko yell and shock actually, i hit Kitsu, "ouch. Was that for, Y/n" Kitsu rub her head, "you make them scared" i mad with her.
"Heheheh, sorry" Kitsu bowed to them, Aoko shake her thats mean its okay.

"Ha! Answer, Y/n! I saw you and Kaito hug while comforting you" Kitsu smirk, My cheeks turn to pink "damn, Kitsu! You spying us" i hit her again.
"Yes we are in relationship" Kaito said innocently, but his cheeks went to pink dust.
"What about you Kitsu? You are in relationship with your friends brother that's actually prince" Kaito tease her and Y/n laugh, "hey, how do you find out that?" Kitsu blushing mess.
"Ouh, i know that" Akako suddenly spoke, "i saw Kitsu and prince Hateki were kissing" Akako smirk evilly.
"Eh? Whats that about Tsukiyama Kitsu?" Y/n grin evilly, Kitsu clear her throat, "thats was relationship with him. Don't tell anyone!" Kitsu yell at them, "if you not shut your loud mouth people will hear it what you said before" Hakuba laugh.
"Then....Hakuba with sweet" Aoko squealing, "ouh, c'mone why are you target me with Hana" Hakuba defense himself, "because i saw you and Hana were holding hand" Akako said with straightforward words.

They arguing without they know, Y/n and Kaito runaway from them.
"Thanks, Kaito for help me to  runaway from them with your magic trick" Y/n said to him, "heh? Its okay. Anything for my girlfriend"  Kaito smile.
"Hahahha, its that your smile. Look so ugly to me" Y/n teased him, "thats mean, Y/n-chan" Kaito pout.
"Thanks!" , "thats not compliment" They enter the groceries. Y/n wanted to buy something for something she want to cook, so she ask Kaito to help her buying groceries.

Suddenly...Author skip for this huh! Bought to you Y/n broke the silent...

"You know, Kaito. If i don't control my magic. Kill me instead..." there were silent what Y/n tell that to Kaito, "what are you talking about Y/n? Are you make some jokes?" Kaito laugh nervously.
"Im serious, Kaito. If i cannot control my magic i became turn into evil" Y/n said with soft voice, "i can't Y/n...i don't want the person i love was dissappear into my life again" Kaito hold the tear when he remind his father died.

After Y/n and Kaito finished to buy in groceries. They walk and seat at the bench near garden.

"Im sorry, Kaito.." Y/n comforting him, "im really am...Kaito if you want to know i lost much that i love...because my magic cannot control so im became evil and kill many people that i love. If i became like that....promise me, kill me" Y/n cannot hold the tear, her tear drop and she cry silently.
"Y/n if i do that....what happened? You were coming back, right?" Kaito ask her and wipe her tear, Y/n hold his hand and she takes a breath.
"Im dissappear and actually what i want to say...i die" Y/n actually sad because her times is coming.

Suddenly, Y/n phone ringing. She look at the phone Kitsu calling her. Y/n ended the call, "sorry, Kaito. I need to go back home" Y/n tell to him.
"Hmmm...i have mission today..." Kaito frowned when they conversation stop, "be careful..." Y/n kisses his cheeks and walk away while waving at Kaito.

"This cannot happen...i should help Y/n!"  Kaito cry silently and walk to his own home.

To be continued...

Author don't know how to make this story....cannot brain tho

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