A Long Story

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*Chapter 22*

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*Chapter 22*

     "Did you say, Keith? Your father? I must've misunderstood you," Rea had the feeling he missed something. Karma had said her dad was dead. Had that been a lie? No, he had faith in her. This must be a mistake, and Ken looked like her dad.

     Karma didn't answer.

     Rea called out a hushed "Ken" and came out past the wall. Ken was attempting to get the door open. Young and useless, Brice was with him.

     "Boss-Mac, we need to get in here. I have a key, but the lock has been damaged." Ken's eyes went past Rea to Karma behind him. "Hello, Kar. Glad you're here."

     Ken produced a small dark-colored case from his pocket and handed the item to her. When the flashlight passed her face, Rea noticed her eyes had gone as cold as ice. She snatched the case and then put her rifle on her shoulder.

     "Were you expecting me, Ken?" she snapped.

     "I didn't think I could hide from you forever. There are a lot of cameras on this base, and I'm not stupider." Ken nodded at Karma. "Give her a minute and we'll be in. She can crack any lock, even broken ones."

     Karma stepped forward.

     "We don't have time right now, but I've got questions, Ken." Rea acted as a lookout on one side of the door. Brice did the same on the opposite side of the hall. Behind him, Karma opened the case. He glanced over as she picked the lock to the door. The whole time Karma didn't say a word. Her silence made him nervous. Actually, a lot of this made him nervous. She said this was her father. He wanted to question everyone, but the silence was his friend right now. He couldn't have a big long conversation in the hall. Not when they were being hunted and they had no lights and no idea where Fletcher could be.

     Gears huddled close to Eric. Both men moved behind Ken's large frame. If it was bothering Ken, he didn't let it show. He kept his gun up, his mouth closed, and his eyes open.

      Much to Rea's surprise, Brice did the same thing. He wasn't prattling on or looking worried. Considering what a bad shot he was, Rea thought Brice wouldn't be as calm and relaxed as he was right now.

     Karma made a triumphant "ahh" sound the same moment Brice let off two shots. Rea turned in time to see a man who had come around the corner. The stranger fell to the ground.

     "What the hell was that?" Rea couldn't hide how flabbergasted he was. The shot was amazing, especially in the low light. Two in the head, perfectly between the eyes.

     "Brice works for me. I got the best men I could find," Ken said. "He's a great shot."

     "A great shot? You ruined four doors in the training room." Rea scanned the lanky youth. "And three lights." He very much doubted that.

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