"Ok" he said and stood up "I'll go and look like I'm doing something important"

"Go get em" I grinned and gave him the thumbs up. As soon as he left I rolled my eyes, sighed loudly and leaned back in my chair. I thought he was a nice guy and my best friend at work, but he always flirted with me which was a little weird and intimidating so that put me off. He wasn't a bad looking guy either, he had bright blue eyes and black hair and a small black beard, and he was in his mid thirties so he wasn't totally too old for me. I just didn't like him like that.

Twenty minutes passed and when I looked up, there was a tall, slim woman with dark brown hair talking to people into the office. She was wearing a black pantsuit with a white shirt, and I felt confident about still being the most feminine person in our office. Before she got here it was just me and 20 other men, and I felt very comfortable that way. But at least she wouldn't try to look up my skirt or down my shirt like I'd caught my old boss doing many times while I was doing something for him.

She stayed in there for a very long time, and I didn't catch her eye at all. Not even once. Just when I was beginning to take offence, she advanced toward the office and opened the glass door slowly. "Thank you gentlemen, that's excellent" she smiled to them and Max waved to me with a massive grin. I just nodded back with a little smile, then when she turned towards me I stood up. She looked me up and down with her dark brown eyes and closed the door behind her quietly.

"Hi, I'm y/n y/l/n, I'm your assistant" I said and she held her hand out to me

"Hello y/n, I'm Ms Jenner" she said formally and pulled her hand away when we'd shook hands enough and her fingertips brushed mine on the way. I noticed she was wearing a silver wedding band but not an engagement ring with, but that was a choice I guess. "So how do you work, what do you do?"

"I get coffee, food, I can send emails, read them, make and take phone calls, keep you updated on the latest office gossip... everything basically" I said

"Great. Get started and move some things into my office" she said and used some keys to unlock her office's glass door "they're with the guys"

"Ok, do you want me to-"

"Ah-ah. Get them and then I'll tell you" she rudely cut me off and I nodded and hurried to get to the things. I went over to Max and tapped his shoulder.

"She's hot" he said

"Yeah, but she's fucking rude" I whispered "I was really nice, I shook her hand, I told her what I can do and then she told me to come here get the things from her and I offered- I didn't even get to offer, she cut me off like I was a child and then told me to just do as I'm told"

"Shit, she was so nice to us" he said "maybe she's just nervous starting at a new place. I'm sure she'll warm up to you. Do you need some help with the boxes? They're not too heavy, I carried some from her car. She's rich, but what boss at this place isn't, she has a Range Rover. Svautobiography"

"That means literally nothing to me"

"Never mind. She's loaded anyway, and she's actually pretty funny. She made a joke about quadrants being all over the- never mind, you wouldn't find it funny"

"Suck up" I teased and smacked his arm, then went to the door where there were two stacks of five boxes, and I rolled my eyes at how many there were. I carried the first one into her office, where she was sitting in the leather chair and typing quickly on the computer.

"Corner please" she said and pointed to the corner under one of the two windows in her large office and I put it right where she'd said so she couldn't criticise me. She checked it was in the right place and didn't even give me a word of praise, so I walked out to get the next one "door!" She said loud and clearly so I turned back and shut the door. While I was in and out of the office, she didn't seem to notice me and when I was done I stood awkwardly in front of her desk "done?" She asked

Ms JennerWhere stories live. Discover now