- Thirty-four: A trAitor in our midst -

Start from the beginning

They walked towards the dining pavilion and there weren't many people. The Elite team and a few others were there. Percy and Chaos joined them seeing as it was a war meeting.

"Did you find help from the Dragons?" Bianca asked hopefully.

Luke shook his head, "No, but they did help Percy."

Everyone turned to the son of Hestia who smiled in reply. "Well, he seems happier," Clarisse mused. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"So the Dragons aren't the unexpected help?" Annabeth asked. No one seemed to notice the change in emotion in her eyes.

"Nope," Luke said. "Maybe it's someone else."

"What about Smith?" Percy asked. Everyone turned to him.

"That assassin? Why would we want help from him? He's the enemy and we shouldn't be patronising with him of all people," Nico said after he was filled in on what happened.

"That's the thing. He's the enemy. We might be able to get information out from him," he mentioned.

Everyone looked reluctant. "He's the only source we have right now. It's either that or we go back to End's place. I would prefer the former," Percy said pointedly.

Chaos looked like he was going to protest. He didn't like the idea of Percy talking to the assassin. Luke was pounding on the suggestion and after a while, he nodded his head.

"We'll talk to Smith, but if he makes any move showing that he's going to stab one of us in the back, I will not hesitate to get rid of him," he said. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement before finalising who was going to talk to the prisoner.

Luke, Zoë, Clarisse, Percy and Chaos walked into Olympus' most guarded cell. "Be careful, Percy," Hestia said as she squeezed his shoulder. He smiled in reply before they entered the cell.

The door slid opened before it shut leaving them in the dark with only one light source. The fire on the torch illuminated a soft warm glow that lit up more than half of the room. Smith was sitting crossed legged in his cell as a calm expression was present on his face.

"I'm starting to regret my decision," Luke muttered. Zoë rolled her eyes but couldn't help but silently agree.

Percy inhaled through his mouth to calm his racing heart. He felt Chaos squeeze his hand reassuringly and he felt better. "How were you able to hurt Percy?" Luke asked as he stepped forward.

A small smile was present on the assassin's face. He opened his eyes and tilted his head to the side. "Did I?" He asked calmly.

Rage sparked in the Creator's chest. Was this some sick, twisted game his brother was playing with them? If it was, he hated it.

"He nearly died and it was because there was mercury in his systems," Luke said as calmly as he could without snapping.

Smith smirked as he closed his eyes unfazed. "I didn't put it in there," he replied simply.

Luke glared at the assassin annoyed and pissed. Percy placed a hand on the commander's arm. "You had help." The smirk on his face was replaced with a smile on his face.

"You couldn't have placed the poisonous liquid by yourself because you're not that stupid to do it," Percy said after a realisation. His mind started piecing the information together as he noticed the bigger picture. The others seemed to catch on too as they listened to what he said.

"So, I'll ask you this. Is there a spy in camp?"

A tense one-second silence before Wellington answered, "Yes."

The four others were mentally shocked as the assassin revealed that information. Percy exhaled through his nose and nodded his head. "I want something in return," he said suddenly.

The others stared at Smith confused as a smirk formed on his face again. "Everything comes with a price," his eyes twinkling with madness.

"This was a bad idea," Luke said and buried his head in his hands in defeat.

Percy stared at him and knew something bad was bound to happen. "You'll know when the time comes," he said before returning to his meditation state. The five of them left knowing they won't be getting any answers soon.

Percy dragged the four others to one side of the throne room. "What he said in there, stays in there. Don't let anyone else find out," he instructed. They nodded their heads in agreement.

"How will we know who's the traitor?" Clarisse asked quietly.

Percy ran a hand through his hair not knowing either, "I don't know, but keep a lookout."

They returned to Camp Half-Blood telling the others that Smith refused to speak anything. "What will we do when we find the person who is siding with the other side?" Chaos asked as he wrapped his arms around the immortal assassin's waist from behind.

Percy hummed softly. "We'll see then," he mumbled.

Percy felt Chaos plant kisses from his head down to his neck. He moaned when the Creator's lip trailed to the spot behind his ear. He smirked and sucked at the spot leaving a hickey. Percy spun in the Creator's arms and captured his lips.

Chaos deepened the kiss biting the bottom of his lip making Percy gasp. He slipped his tongue into the son of Hestia's mouth making him moaned.

He felt Chaos grabbed his thighs and wrapped them around his waist. Not once breaking their kiss, they fell onto the bed together. Percy was straddled between the taller being.

Chaos broke the kiss and a cocky smile appeared on his face. "After tonight, you're gonna have a hard time walking," he whispered to his ear in his husky voice.

Percy shivered involuntarily as a blush crept up to his face. Before he could reply, Chaos' lips were on his again.

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