Light At The End Of The Darkness.

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The following days were testing in the extreme and Anna was becoming weak from being so sick all the time and as usual the mouth ulcers were not allowing her to eat or drink enough, due to the increased doses of chemo the doctors started a rehydration drip that ran all day in conjunction with the chemo, this had a positive effect but there was no denying Anna was seriously ill and it was clear despite her monumental fortitude and courage she was coming to the end of what she could cope with.
She had no choice but to rely upon Bjorn for everything and he in turn relied on Benny and Frida to keep his mind and his focus clear. Christian and Linda concentrated on keeping the press at bay and looking after Emma and Anna who had never experienced anything like the firestorm Lena and Mona's actions had unleashed upon them. There had been a leak of information from the clinic which had made it to the papers and Lena had indeed released details of Bjorn's alleged abusive nature and infidelity but true to their promises the four children of Bjorn and Anna between them closed ranks around Bjorn and Anna and nothing was allowed to touch them.
Bjorn was well aware of what was going on and authorised the release of the picture with Benny. He worked quietly through the night while he sat with Anna to apprise Gorel of the situation and she carefully swung the ABBA behemoth into action with Benny and Frida in full agreement.
Bjorn was cross with himself for delaying talking to his solicitor and did so rapidly, sending over the photos and the recording of the conversation between himself and Lena. He asked the solicitor to find the man that Lena was having an affair with and to see if he was willing to write a statement to the court.
Gorel had quickly swung into damage control mode and flooded the media with conjecture and stories about potential new songs, the Mama Mia restaurants, Mama Mia 2 and everything else she could think of that was true. She released never before seen pictures of the band in their heyday.
The resulting media storm, all of it positive had the desired effect of drowning Mona and Lena out and the world"s love affair with everything ABBA was suddenly not on the back burner anymore, it was fully alight and taking the heat of off Anna and Bjorn.
By the Thursday of chemo the only bright spot in Anna's day was her trip to the pool and she held on to it like the light at the end of the darkness that enveloped her. She was feeling appalling but she delighted in that quiet time with Bjorn and the other two, it focused her mind and made her strong enough to face another day. This day Bjorn left her with Benny and Frida for a couple of hours in the afternoon saying that he had to go and see the solicitor and pop to Vallentuna to see the girls. Christian came by to pick them up from the clinic and drop them at Rival, he carried Anna into the changing room and couldn't resist going to look at the pool while Frida was helping Anna to change. He could understand why his Mama loved it so much and decided that he would stay and help. He didn't want to offend Benny but he wasn't sure how far Benny could carry his Mama, especially down the steps and he knew that Benny was still on the mend. Luckily he had his gym bag in the back of his truck and shot off to see if he had a pair of shorts and as it happened he did. He came back and got changed rapidly, he was pleased seeing his Mama's look of happiness when she saw him ready to get in the pool "Oh Christian, have you time??" she sighed "Always Mama, besides why should you lot have all the fun? It looks amazing!!" Frida hid a smile as she said to Anna "You've bought up an amazing son Anna darling, it'll be nice for him to experience this" Anna grinned and said "Yes he's pretty special isn't he" Anna was wearing a red and white spotted bikini and Christian thought she looked lovely and told her so "Mama, we should come here often if it's so good for you Nike loves the water and so do the other kids. It would help Linda later in her pregnancy, maybe Uncle Benny would let us" "What might Uncle Benny let you do?" he asked as he wandered into the open changing rooms with an armful of robes. He had already changed for the pool, all this swimming had done him good as well he certainly wasn't feeling quite as breathless all the time and he was determined to keep it up. "I was just saying if it's as good as Mama and Papa say we should come more often and bring the kids. It'll be good for Linda when she gets bigger too" Benny didn't even need to consider it "Well I see no reason why not, I close it regularly for private sessions and there's nothing stopping me doing it for us. I'd like to carry on as well, its done me good and Frida's hip is better" he said "It would be good for Anna to carry on, perhaps it would help you build your strength so you can ride Sanderson again" he directed at her "I'd love it Benny, I'll pay" she replied eagerly. Benny harrumphed and said "Well we can discuss that later, are we ready?" he asked changing the subject. Frida chuckled and said "Absolutely we are, come on Christian bring your Mama" "Ready Mama?" he asked "Yes, I really am, I need this today. I'm so tired and sore" He lifted her carefully and followed Benny and Frida to the pool and managed to negotiate the steps without incident and sank into the water with her. Benny swam over and said "You enjoy it for a while you've had a busy time, I'll take Anna and you can watch what we do. If you want to you can take over when you're ready "Of course I will Uncle Benny but thank you" Benny took Anna under a gentle tow and she was on her back watching the stars with her head resting on Benny's shoulder as he swam backwards with her. They were a long way from Christian and Frida when she said "Benny darling, if I die you'll look after Bjorn won't you? He'll need you. You've known him longer than me. You're his brother. I worry for him and he's given up everything for me" Benny oddly wasn't surprised and while he was emotional he made haste to reassure her "Anna darling I promise I'll look after him. I owe him my life several times over" he shifted her to look at him "but Anna, I still have faith in you and you will stay with us. It will not be any other way" Anna smiled at his assertiveness and said "I won't give up Benny. I promised him and I promise you but I like to check these things" Benny chuckled "and just to set you straight he's coming for you Anna with everything he is. He would give his life for you. He's given up everything as you put it gladly and with no backward glance. He has his children and you and that's all he's ever needed or wanted little one. It's rough out there, he's taking a battering I won't hide it from you and he needs you now as much as you need him. You need to get better darling and help him" Anna was filled with renewed determination and said "I will Benny. I'll face the world with him and with you and Frida. I will handle it" "Good girl, I absolutely know you can" Benny encouraged her. They were interrupted by Frida who had watched out of the corner of her eye as Benny and Anna had found their peace "Come on Benny darling let her go, I want to look at the stars again" she floated on her back and Anna put her hand in Frida's and they floated gently round the pool watching the stars and the colours on the walls and the ceilings "I'm going to miss you when you two leave you know, I've got used to our weird little family very quickly" Anna mused "I'm selfish and I love having everyone I love safe with me at Ekero and I love that you and Benny are living at Ekero at the moment" she sighed "Don't worry I know you won't be there forever" Frida smiled "Anna I'll miss you too but I've never been far away even when I was in Switzerland. Benny and I have loved being with you, you've given us a safe place to rebuild and I will buy somewhere very close to Ekero I promise" she grinned to herself "and we will visit all the time and stay, you and Bjorn won't want us under your feet all the time you know" Anna giggled "Anna we will not leave you until the storm has passed and you have the all clear and that's the end of the discussion" Frida was firm "let's just relax and enjoy this" They floated about for a while longer and then Christian swam over "My turn with you Mama, this is amazing. I've never been in a pool like this. He slid underneath her and copied Benny letting her rest her head on his shoulder and pulling her around gently. "How the tables have turned" Anna said quietly "I used to do this with you when you were a child, now I can't do it for myself" "Well then it's about time I returned the favour Mama, let me enjoy this while I can. It's not often just you and me. You'll be better very soon and you won't need me" he smiled at her and her heart ached "I'll always need you, I love you and I love that you're here darling. " She closed her eyes and Christian saw the peace steal over her face, he was delighted as she whispered "this place is a miracle Christian, I don't hurt and my skin doesn't burn hardly at all" "Its wonderful Mama and now Benny's said we can come it's not so far we can do it regularly" Anna's eyes opened "I know, I'd love it. I really would. It's something to look forward too" Her eyes closed again and he was sure that she had fallen asleep on his shoulder so he towed her to the steps so that he could sit while holding her. He was glad of this time with her he reflected, it was so good to see her at peace for a while, they had become obsessed with the cancer, all of them and they had maybe forgotten how to live a bit he considered. Here they were just being normal.
He was disturbed out of his reverie by movement next to him and was surprised to see his father sitting on the step with him "Papa, I didn't think you were coming" he said delightedly "it's good to see you, she's asleep" he indicated his mother resting on his shoulder "it's been wonderful, I've had an amazing time. She loves it here, I haven't seen her so peaceful for such a long time Papa. It's beautiful to see" Bjorn smiled softly "I know, it's been great" he replied "How did it go?" Christian enquired "I went to the solicitor and he says I've got a watertight case, he says I have grounds to sue if I want but I won't. It would just make Emma and Anna suffer more, even though they think I should fight back in their words. Now they are settled at Vallentuna they are coping very well" "Will the divorce go to court Papa?" Christian asked "Unfortunately yes, Lena is trying for more and although she won't get it I still have to face court because she's challenging it" he sighed "she's determined to destroy me but I don't care as long as I have your mother" "I care Bjorn, she won't destroy you. I won't let her" Anna said even though her eyes were still closed "Bjorn jumped a bit and then grinned "thought you were asleep" "I woke up" was her pert answer "Want to float with me for a while or have you had enough?" he asked gently "You don't have to Bjorn, you must be tired" she said concerned. He broke a little "Baby I need you" he wasn't ashamed to say it in front of his son. Her eyes shot open and she peered into his eyes, what she saw there made her put her feet on the floor and push herself upright "Oh baby it's going to be ok" she soothed and she wrapped her arms around his neck "We've been through so much worse" he stood with her and walked down the steps and as he sank into the water she wrapped her legs around him as well "You're in good shape today" he commented "it's wonderful to see baby" his arms wrapped around her tightly and she buried her face in his neck, he sighed contentedly "I'm sorry I had to leave you this afternoon. I didn't want to" he told her "I understand that you had to baby, it's ok. You have a lot on your plate and it's just typical it's all exploded on my last chemo week. It can't be helped Bjorn please stop. I've missed you very much but I knew you were coming back and I've had a lovely time with these three, Christian stayed and that was a lovely surprise" he smiled and whispered "I'm glad, I missed you too" he looked up to see that the other three had got out of the pool and were sitting at the other end of the room on the loungers wrapped in robes and they were alone in the water, Anna looked like she had starlight in her eyes, the beautiful bikini slayed him too and he said quietly "I love you Anna regardless of everything, we'll make it through" "We will darling, of course we will" she reassured him "In that case, if you're as sure of it as I am marry me Anna darling" She took a breath and squeaked in shock "You can't mean it Bjorn!!" "I've never meant anything more in my life except for the first time I asked you to marry me, now I'm asking you again. Marry me!" Anna was rendered speechless and her mind was racing at a hundred miles an hour. It was everything she'd dreamed of "Marry me Anna" he said again. "You don't want to marry a dying old woman" came from her lips unbidden "No, I want to marry YOU because I love you and I need you" he said firmly. "Ask me when we have my results then you'll know what you're getting into" she protested "It wouldn't be fair on you to marry me if I don't get the all clear. You don't deserve that" "No" Bjorn said "I'm asking you now because if I ask you afterwards you'll always doubt my love for you, you'll always wonder if I only asked you to marry me once you had the all clear. You'll always wonder if I'd have stuck around if you didn't get the all clear or you would always wonder if I stayed with you out of pity. I'm asking you to marry me Anna because I love you whether you're ill or not, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you however long that may be baby. Whether it be short or long I want my life to end with you by my side, with your ring on my finger. I want to belong to you. Marry me Anna let me give you your name back" she was in floods of tears by this point trying to get her head around what Bjorn was trying to tell her " Don't cry baby. I've loved you for 50 years. Marry me. For better or worse, in sickness and in health. I just love you Anna no matter what comes our way. It doesn't matter, nothing else matters but us. The results won't change my mind baby. Marry me" He rummaged in his shorts pocket and came out with a little waterproof bag "Hold onto me" he instructed and he used both hands to open the bag "I didn't go to the solicitors just to sort out my divorce baby. He's held this for me in my file for 38 years. I bought this for you for Christmas in 1978" he pulled the most beautiful ruby and diamond encrusted band out of the bag. It's an eternity ring and I had it specially made for you to match in with Mama's rubies. It's been a symbol of hope for me for nearly 40 years, it's lived in a filing cabinet with my plans for divorce that I sorted out and signed off 35 years ago. Those plans were my path back to you, it just took me longer than I ever imagined and I'm sorry. I know I don't deserve you baby but you've made me happier than I've ever been. Marry me and you'll never have to take your ring off again"
Silent tears were running down her face "but it's not fair for you to be saddled with me if I'm going to die" she whispered brokenly. "What's not fair Anna is that you've got cancer at all but you have and we have to deal with it. If we have to we'll learn to live with it but it doesn't change the fact that I love you and I think you love me" "Of course I do!! I love you too much to see you suffer with me" she snapped "I've loved you since I was 18, it's a lifetime!!" "Anna, I'd rather be with you than without you. If I was ill would you turn me down? Would you leave me because I was ill?" he asked pointedly, she was outraged at the thought and told him so "it's the same both ways baby, don't belittle me or my love for you. Don't make it unworthy or less than it is. I will love you through anything. I have already loved you through everything, through all the years and all the dark times"
She looked into his eyes and read nothing but steady reassurance and love "You'd marry me regardless? Without knowing for sure?" she checked "You'd marry me knowing I might be dying?" he nodded and held her gaze."You'd marry me knowing you might have to nurse me or hold me when I die" "Yes Anna I would, there won't be anyone else holding you as you leave this world if I'm still alive. It'll be me, in sickness and in health baby till death do us part"
There was a silence that stretched until it pounded on Bjorn's eardrums. Eventually she met his eyes and he felt her take a breath "Bjorn Kristian Ulvaeus will you marry me?" His eyebrows shot up as he understood her leap of faith "A thousand, million times yes Anna baby." was his utterly devoted response "I love you" he whispered. "I love you too" she answered.
Standing there under the constellations with their best friends and their son watching over them Bjorn finally gave the beautiful ring that he'd had made just for her a lifetime ago it's rightful home and it settled on her finger like it had always been there. "I'll never take it off baby, I love it" and his poor heart at last settled where it had always belonged.

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