Mono Rebellion.

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By the time Christian came back at 1800 Anna was dressed and calm, she had another dose of painkiller to be going along with. Bjorn had helped her with her hair because her chest was hurting her and she was finding it hard to lift her arms. She had to admit that Bjorn hadn't faltered at all and she had actually felt no embarrassment. He had helped her put her bra on and her shirt and it had been beautifully matter of fact, his way of loving her today.
Bjorn packed away all their stuff and Christian carried it while Bjorn took firm hold of Anna's hand, determined to avoid a repeat of this morning and asked if she was able to manage the walk "Yes, slowly though" was her response. Christian chatted carefully about his day and noted that his Mama's level of peace was even more noticeable than when she had been with Frida. It was no disrespect to Linda's sterling efforts at all but there was a difference, Anna would always protect her children from the worst of it no matter how old they were and Christian knew this. He was just grateful and as they wandered slowly down the corridors back to the truck "Still want to go to Mono Mama?" She laughed "Truly, not really but I'm still going to go regardless, I'm going to do what we agreed, we won't be there for long. I ache and my skin burns already" she walked determinedly to the truck "I promised" she said as she got in "We need to do this, I just might have to take the bucket in with me" she grimaced then chuckled. "God, what a state! It'll definitely have to be a long distance photo" Bjorn tried to persuade her out of her plan but she was having none of it saying that she would be too ill soon and then it would be another week or more before she could even consider doing it again and by then it would be too late. Christian grinned at his Mama's stubbornness and said "Papa, give it up. You of all people should know better" Bjorn shook his head in resignation and got into the truck next to her "It was always worth a try, even when I know I'm doomed to failure" Anna smiled at him "Bjorn I won't have you or Benny being attacked like this. I just won't. If she wants a war I'll give her war. This is a warning shot across her bow and when I'm feeling better she'd better watch out" Bjorn grumbled under his breath about stubborn bloody women but argued no more and took her hand in his.
Driving into Mono made Anna feel weird, she did not record 'A' here so it had been years since she had been here. She noted the new gates over the carpark "Are they because of me?" she asked Bjorn "They are part of the security upgrade for all of us baby" Bjorn admitted carefully "it's not just for you, I think Lena will come here" Anna frowned "Of course she would" she realised, "it's the only place that she knows for sure you will be" They waited at the gates for them to open and as they pulled into the car park Anna moaned and said "I'm sorry but I'm going to be sick" "Mama, its ok we're still in the truck, Papa get the bucket she can't hold it for long" Bjorn grabbed the bucket out of the boot and held it for her as she threw up, he tucked her hair behind her ears and then stroked her hair reassuringly as she heaved "Ugh" she grumbled as she finished "I'm not normally quite so sick on the first day" Christian passed her a packet of baby wipes while Bjorn unscrewed a bottle of water "The doctor said you were having higher doses this week, maybe that's what it is" Bjorn offered as he helped her to drink "that's true Mama, this week might be a little different" Christian agreed as he rummaged for the mint chewing gum "are you finished do you think Mama?" he asked as he got out of the truck. Anna debated for a moment and looked at Bjorn "I feel like my stomach is on a roller coaster but I think I'm done for now" she smiled at Christian "better not lose the bucket though darling"
She eased her way out of the truck once the gates had closed but had to hold tightly to Christian's hand as she did. Bjorn got out the the other side and walked around to find Christian putting her hand in his as he picked up the bucket and the bag. "Hold onto to her Papa, she's precious cargo and wobbly" he told him Bjorn took firm hold of Anna's hand and took her weight as she leaned on him and he said gently "You want to walk baby or shall I carry you? There's no one here but us" he reassured her "I want to get in there under my own steam Bjorn but I hope you're up to it when we are ready to go" He shook his head at her stubbornness and rolled his eyes kindly at Christian who smirked. "I saw that" Anna said but there was humour in her tone "I love that you're both here with me" she whispered "Nowhere else I'd ever be right now Mama, besides I can't wait to see you in the studio with Aunty Frida and Uncle Benny" Christian shared happily "We aren't doing anything" she said hastily "just a picture, don't get your hopes up" "Oh Mama, I know. But I'm still witnessing a new dawn" Bjorn burst out laughing "You make it sound like the second coming!!" "Papa, for millions of your fans it may as well be, you should know that" Bjorn frowned as he realised what his son said was likely true. "No pressure Bjorn" Anna giggled. He gave her a sideways look "No, quite!" he responded acerbically. "Come on then, if you're so determined to walk this we better get started so we can get you home and resting. I'm not sure this is a good idea, it's not worth your effort baby" Anna stopped dead in the middle of the doorway halting him in his tracks with a surprising show of strength "Bjorn Ulvaeus, I'm doing this for all of us but especially for you!! You will always be worth it and I will bloody crawl if I have to. We need to do this, we've discussed and agreed this! As you said to me this morning I love you Bjorn but sometimes you do talk absolute rubbish. Now let's bloody well get on!"
Christian kept his counsel but couldn't quite hide his smile of genuine love for both his parents "and don't you even say a word" Anna warned looking straight at him "I wasn't going to say a word Mama" he protested. Anna sighed "Well don't think it either" she told him "You two are far too alike for comfort sometimes" she tugged at Bjorn's hand huffing with annoyance "Come on Bjorn" he grinned at her and at Christian "Mama has spoken my boy, let's go"
Bjorn typed his entry code into the keypad and they set off down the corridor going at a fair speed as Anna was clearly still ruffled. "Where exactly are we going?" Christian enquired of his Papa as they kept pace with Anna through a maze of corridors. "I'm amazed Mama remembers, it's been more than 30 years since she's been here isn't it baby,?" he asked "Yes I suppose it's that long" she answered "I'm sincerely hoping that the toilets are in the same place, I need a wee and I'm going to be sick again"
Luckily the toilets came into sight and she shot into the ladies, Bjorn followed her while Christian went into the men's to empty and wash the bucket. Bjorn stood outside the cubicle listening to Anna being sick "Let me in baby, let me help you" he asked "The door is open" she managed to splutter" He pushed it gently and sure enough it swung open and revealed Anna leaning on the wall getting her breath back "There's not much room in here" she said with a small smile "but I'm done, I just want a wee now" "Come on out and use the other toilet while I sort out this one" Bjorn suggested gently "I'm sorry I'm such a pain" she looked miserable "Anna you're not a pain, nor a burden or any other such word you come up with. You're just ill for now baby. If it were me in your position would you think me a burden?" She met his eyes surely "No Bjorn I wouldn't but..." "Exactly, and it's exactly the same for me baby" he interrupted firmly "in sickness and in health, for better or for worse Anna. Go and have your wee then we'll face the world"
They made it to studio one eventually to find Benny and Frida already there Anna immediately apologised "it's my fault we're late, I had to stop twice to be sick. I'm sorry" Frida hugged her gently "Sick already darling?" Anna grimaced "Yes, it's higher doses of chemo this week, we think that's what it is" Benny was as always comforting "We have time, all the time we need. Thank you for this little one. I know you do it for us" he said gratefully. Frida let Anna go and said "We do need to be singing something or the photo will look fake" Bjorn agreed thoughtfully "You might be right there"
Anna meanwhile was soaking it all in and looking around her with interest "How can it be the same and yet so different?" she mused to Benny "The merciless march of progress Anna" was his amused response. He put his arm around her and gave her a gentle hug "Sorry you're feeling rough darling. Let's get done and get home to Ekero hmm?" she nodded tiredly. "If we sing it has to be slow and one that Frida leads on" she said to no one in particular "I'm not up to leading or solos even for a picture" Benny thought for a minute "then we go back to the song that gave me back my world, that will do nicely" He sat at the piano and started playing Andante Andante. Frida smiled happily "I can cope with that, I made him play that first in the beach house on that first day we were all back together" she explained at Anna and Bjorn's confused looks.
"Which side do you sit Mama?" Christian asked "always to my right" Frida told him "so that seat there" she pointed to it and Christian took the bucket over and hid it behind an amp close to the seat. "I need to sit" Anna said, Bjorn helped her across the studio and lifted her carefully into the high seat, he made sure she was comfy "Frida, how do I look? He'll tell me I look amazing but how do I look for a photo? Even long distance" she squeezed Bjorn's hand in amusement and he chuckled. Frida rummaged in her bag and came out with a comb and a makeup bag "Want me to do it?" she asked "Yes please, I can't lift my arms very much today" Bjorn backed off and went and leant on Benny's piano as they both watched the girls sort themselves out "This is weird" Benny admitted "I know it's now, but it's 40 odd years since we watched them do this and yet it could just as well be yesterday" Bjorn agreed quietly.
Frida combed Anna's hair for her and tucked one side behind her ear then she put a bit of lip balm on and a touch of mascara and left it at that. "Ok, photo ready. Do I look ok?" she asked Anna "You look lovely" Anna reassured her "I love the scarf"
"Right we're ready" Frida called. Anna crossed her legs and willed her stomach to settle and followed Frida as she sang a gentle set of scales. Bjorn bought her over a bottle of water and kissed her head gently. "I love you" he whispered "I still have faith in you baby" she grinned at him and nodded putting her headphones on just the way she liked them
Benny kept his promise to Frida from all those weeks ago and had kept the tapes running from the minute they had all been in the studio. It did not take the girls long to iron out the kinks in their voices and with long remembered signals those four swung into laying a track down for the first time in 35 years. They would lay this one down just for them Benny had decided, a one take track warts and all that would be just for them to mark their own return, their own reconciliations.
The girls sang, Benny played, Bjorn sat next to Benny with a borrowed guitar. In the end Christian took the pictures through a mist of tears he had to admit and so in that memory soaked studio the rebellion truly began.

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