The Aftermath of Viggso

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"I could stay locked in here with you for the rest of my life" he mused as their breathing slowed "Frida was right you know" Anna frowned gently as she played idly with the hairs on his chest "about what?" she asked."You very nearly did give me a heart attack. I cannot remember the last time I felt like that baby. It's definitely only with you" She smiled contentedly and said "I'll have to be much more gentle then in the future, I can't have you leaving me" Bjorn's poor abused heart jumped again as he realised the import of what she had said. She meant that this was going to happen again. It wasn't a one off thing. "I'll cope! I can handle it" he said hastily. "Don't change Anna" He felt her lips move against his chest as she smiled "Was it not enough?" he asked worriedly. Anna was shocked. "Bjorn, I was teasing. It was amazing and you know it!" Anna sat up a bit and looked at him and she saw that he did look genuinely worried. She scrambled up rapidly to look him in the eyes and in her concern for him she forgot about her scars. "Are you serious? You are aren't you? Bjorn darling that was the most amazing experience I've had in 40 years!" He snorted and said "Anna, don't be feeling sorry for me. You've been married and in relationships since we split. We can work on it though?" he asked hopefully. Anna scowled furiously as she realised that his impotency had affected him more than she had thought. "Who was the one stood here yelling at me an hour ago?" she asked him. "It was amazing" she moved to straddle him and she was very deliberate about where she put herself. She centred herself right on top of him and she felt him jump and twitch underneath her. It was definitely her turn to ease his poor mind. She had dumped a lot on him today and she recognised that it was bound to affect him. She settled back and allowed her full weight to rest on him. She didn't ask if he was ok with that. She could see that he was. "Do you feel that Bjorn? You keep telling me you're 72, you keep telling me that you react to me and me only. I could tell you lies and say I've had amazing relationships since you. Would that make you feel better? Did you believe all the press stuff hmm? The question is will you believe me when I tell you the truth? We are way past lying now Bjorn. I'm sat on top of you and I'm so turned on its outrageous and I can FEEL you. I'm 67 years old, I AM old. I'm in the middle of chemotherapy, my hair falls out every time I turn around despite my best efforts. I shouldn't even have any feelings at all so they tell me. They tell me that chemo takes away libido. I shouldn't even be slightly wet Bjorn and yet here I am sat on top of you soaking YOU and its time for an uncomfortable truth for you Bjorn. I haven't had an orgasm that I haven't bought on for myself since we split up much less had an orgasm just from penetration." She leaned over him. "Do you understand what that means Bjorn?" she didn't give him a chance to answer "it means that you're the ONLY one who can do it for me too, who could ever do it for me. Just you baby. You're the only one that can still make me come and today you proved it without doubt. It just isn't the same when I do it" she paused for breath and watched him. "But that's...but you're beautiful..why..." he stammered and she smiled to see her Bjorn so lost for words "No-one?" He choked out. "No-one!" she repeated firmly. He could see in her eyes that she was telling the absolute truth and his world settled around him as he took in the implications of what she was telling him. He didn't believe in any god but he thanked them all now for such a gift, even if he knew it was selfish of him. He watched her sitting there putting herself on the line for him and he felt blessed and humbled. He bought his knees up to support her back a bit and she leaned on them gently. "Look at you" he whispered. "So fucking beautiful baby." she flinched a little as she realised he could see absolutely everything and it was the middle of the day. She had forgotten for a moment " I'm sorry" she whispered and moved to cover herself. "Don't!" Bjorn's voice snapped round the room and she jumped."Don't hide away from me baby. I won't hurt you" "Oh Bjorn I know that, but it's awful to look at" she said miserably. He shifted a little and she gasped as she felt him underneath her."Does it feel like I think it's awful to look at?" he asked her gently. "I want to touch you. I want to get to know this you. Will you let me do that? I won't hurt you. You're so fucking brave Anna I should worship you" He waited patiently while she fought her personal demons and was rewarded when she said "Ok, but don't be upset if I can't feel you though. It won't be your fault. The operations have left me pretty numb. He nodded in understanding. "Just relax" he murmured "I want to know you" His words caused a reaction from her that she couldn't hide as she flooded around him again. He felt it and sighed happily "Do you think I could make you come JUST by talking at you Anna?" She blushed furiously "Probably" she mumbled "Good, we'll try that one day" and he chuckled as she reacted again. He focused back on the task at hand and traced gentle fingers across her breasts. They were soft and firm. They were different he thought but no less beautiful. They were bigger he thought but he loved it. He traced over her nipples, no reaction from them. Early days he thought. He'd spend some time with them later. He traced around the scarring round her nipples and thought it was little wonder she couldn't feel anything. He looked up at her and she had her eyes closed like she couldn't bear to watch his face. He decided to let her have her way for now. He traced the scars around the sides of her breasts and he heard her breathing catch. She could feel him there then, good. He traced the scars down her sides and she felt that but he knew it wasn't pain. He put a gentle hand over her chest cannula and traced round it softly. He lifted her left breast gently and tested its weight. Lush and beautiful he decided. She felt that too. Her eyes were open now and she was curious about his reaction. He was absorbed in his task and gently slid over to her right breast and it received the same treatment."You're touching me" she breathed. "I am and you can feel me can't you?" he whispered gently. "More than I thought I would" she admitted. Her voice caught. "You really aren't disgusted are you?" she breathed wonderingly. "You're telling me the truth, it doesn't bother you" her voice cracked again."Not in the way you think Baby. When I look at these" he traced the worst of the scars "I'm grateful for them, I love them because they kept you alive for me, for all of us . They are part of your story, our story. Without them you might not be here now. To me they are just part of you. They are a mark of your courage, your fight and they will always remind me how lucky I am to have you baby" He sighed "and because of that they are fucking beautiful. They only bother me because I know they hurt you but no Anna, they don't and never will disgust me and I will remind you every single day if I have to" She couldn't hold herself up anymore and she collapsed on top of him. He caught her easily and soothed her as the final storm broke.

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