The Family of Ekero

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Agnetha was over the worst of it for this round of treatment, she had made it to Sunday. She was relieved for all of them, she knew that Frida was tired and needed a break. She fully intended to send her off with Benny for a few days next week. She had spoken to Linda and the kids who were thoroughly enjoying their break and she had totally supported Linda's idea to stay away for another week while the children were on school holidays. Christian was more than happy to stay at Linda's for another week and in her mind everything was settled. She had woken up starving hungry this morning which was always a good sign. Her blistering was still very painful but she knew from experience that it would start to settle by tomorrow. This time she ached a bit but she considered that it had been the best run yet if there was such a thing.
She had got out of bed this morning and she had been sick as usual but it hadn't been as bad as sometimes. She had managed to shower and dress without too much trouble and she poked her nose in on Frida on her way by. Frida was absolutely dead to the world. She was exhausted Anna knew so she smiled fondly and pulled her door shut leaving her to sleep the day away if that's what she needed.
She wandered downstairs and made herself a cup of tea and started off her day with a couple of ginger biscuits. They tended to help her nausea before she ate anything more substantial. It looked to be a lovely day so she checked the cameras as a matter of routine. The weather was finally showing signs of getting a little warmer and as she sipped her tea she realised that next week it would be a whole year since she had found the lump in her breast. She couldn't think of the right words to describe it. It had been the worst of years but there had been positives. Her relationship with her children was stronger than ever, her own self belief was in the best place it had been since she was in her twenties. Frida and her had strengthened their lifelong friendship and she was more happy than she would admit to anyone that Bjorn was back in her life. She was actually past the point of caring anymore what anyone thought as long as no one got hurt. She had come to terms quietly with the fact that she wasn't going to survive this. She was sure that she was not going to be one of the miracles but she was content to prolong her life as much as possible. She hadn't shared those thoughts with another soul, she had come to the conclusion that it was better to live and let live rather than live with a death sentence for who knew when they would die anyway. She was an old woman now and had packed more into her life than most could ever dream of and she would enjoy whatever time she had left when the treatment was done and she'd do whatever treatment was suggested until she was too tired to fight anymore. She smiled to herself, today was a good day.
She went back in to make herself some more tea and by the time she came out Christian was walking across the yard with Nike. She grinned and held out her arms for her. Christian shook his head affectionately and plunked her in Anna's arms. He kissed the top of her head and said "Morning Mama, how are you today?" "I feel quite good darling, my blisters and my mouth are sore but this run has been better than the last one. Have some tea with me? Have you time?"she asked hopefully. "Mama, always I have time for you. I'll go and make myself a tea. Where's Aunty Frida" Anna smiled affectionately "she's asleep, let her sleep. She's tired and she's done so much for me this week. I can look after her for a while. Monday I will send her away with Benny. Those two need time to sort themselves out. She loves him and they deserve each other"
Christian smiled and couldn't help but agree. He considered his next words carefully. "There's two other people who I love most in the world who deserve each other too Mama" he said gently. "You and Papa were born to be together. He loves you, he's told you he loves you. He says it in every action he does for you. Hush Mama." He held up a warning finger as she went to interrupt " I know that you've never stopped loving him Mama. I'm too young to remember you together so I've never seen that expression on your face that I saw when Papa came here. I saw you both light up in a way I've never seen from either of you." Christian smiled at her discomfort "Mama stop it, I know what Linda means when she talks about you two now. I've seen it for myself and if that hasn't died after 50 years then it's worth fighting for" "You're so like your Papa" she grumbled good naturedly. "Darling, I won't ever deny to you that I love your Papa. I wouldn't have done all the things I have done if I didn't and yes things have changed in recent weeks. We have come to a new understanding that I regret didn't happen long ago" she sighed quietly "Our stubbornness, pride and anger have a lot to answer for. What I want and what is actually possible might be two different things. I couldn't care less about Lena. If it was just her then I'd weather any storm for him but he has children and grandchildren with her and that's something entirely different. I would never consider taking him away from them" "Mama who on earth says you'd be taking him away from them? Are you telling me they wouldn't be welcome here? Mama you would love them all here and you know it. One big happy family." Anna smiled at the thought and then sobered. "Of COURSE not but Lena wouldn't hesitate to turn them against Bjorn and he adores them as much as he adores you two. His children are his reason for being and he couldn't bear for them to hate him. I won't do that to him" Christian sighed and said "I do see your point Mama but they are adults now and they make their own decisions, surely they would want him to be happy?" He paused to take the baby and walk her around a bit as she was fussing. "Mama, hold her a moment, I'll go and get her a bottle and I'll be back. This conversation is far from over"
True to his word he was back shortly with the bottle and Anna fed her happily. "Christian, Anna and Emma have been told all of their lives that I'm crazy and scary. God knows what their minds are really filled with. I love it when they come here and I see you all together and they are polite and lovely and they look so much like Papa it makes me ache. I want them to feel welcome and happy here but I hinder you all in building a relationship" "Mama, they think you're lovely. They aren't scared of you and they certainly don't think you're crazy." Christian said firmly. "Did they say that?" asked Anna disbelievingly "They did". Christian confirmed.
"Mama, not many people would have done what you've done and been so generous of spirit and heart" Anna was confused "What have I done?" "Mama I shall spell it out to you in no uncertain terms. "You have accepted Emma and Anna into Ekero so that we can see them safely without Lena making their lives horrendous. You have allowed us space to rebuild a family. Behind these walls of Ekero that keep us all safe you have accepted the children of your ex husband who betrayed you with another woman who in turn has made your life a total misery into your world. You have made them welcome despite what they may think of you" Anna was shocked. "But of course, I cannot paint our sins upon innocent children Christian, that would be wrong. What happened was not their fault. They are your sisters. They belong with you two" Christian grinned. "Mama I love you. You just don't see how amazing you really are do you?" Anna sighed and said "No, because I'm avoiding the biggest issue... I love him too much to put him through cancer again" "Mama, he's got the right to make his own choice and he WILL choose you regardless" Anna blushed and changed the subject. "Christian, call Papa. Give him the codes and full access to the systems on the condition he controls it from Vallentuna or tech he carries with him all the time. Everything. Give him everything." Christian spluttered into his tea and looked at his Mama wide eyed "Jesus Mama, I know what he means now. I never know what you will say next" he laughed at her once he'd got over the shock. "May I ask why Mama?" Anna smiled and said "I listened to what you had to say. I listened to what he had to say and I realised that you were right. I had to give him something. I want him in my life. Sorry if that makes me a bad person Christian but I can't help it. He makes me feel safe, he's the only one that makes me feel safe" Christian was not at all offended. He knew exactly what she meant. "Mama, you aren't a bad person for loving someone!"he reassured her "he's married Christian, that makes me as bad as she was" Anna said ironically "but I do love him"
"Mama, he is miserable and thinks he doesn't deserve to come back. That's why he won't. His life is his rightful punishment in his mind." Anna was just about to remonstrate with him, horrified at the thought of Bjorn punishing himself when they were interrupted by the gate buzzers. Anna looked at her watch "Who in the world could that be Christian?" She asked guardedly "It's 0815 on a Sunday morning!" "I've no idea Mama" Christian replied equally confused."I'll go and look" Anna went into the kitchen to wash the baby's face and put her cup down. She turned enquiringly as she heard Christian come back into the room. He was wearing a puzzled frown and she asked "Who is it darling?" Christian said "Well, oddly it's Emma and Anna. What on earth could they want at this time of the morning?" he questioned more to himself than Anna. Her immediate reaction was "Oh Christian something's wrong with Papa. Why else would they come??" Her stress levels rocketed through the roof and she burst into tears. "Mama, MAMA! Be calm" Christian told her sharply, cutting through her panic. "I've let them in, they'll be here in a minute. Let's hear what they have to say before we panic"
They heard the car pull up outside and Christian went to open the door with Anna right on his heels. Emma and Anna got out of the car. They started to walk over to Linda's house but Christian called them over.
"We're in here!" They turned and broke into a smile and made their way over. Christian hugged them both and ushered them in. Agnetha hung back a little for she wasn't sure of her welcome so she smiled and said "Hi, it's good to see you both" quietly. "I'm sorry Linda isn't here to see you as well, she'll be back next Sunday, you'd be welcome to come then too. Help yourselves to anything you like. Do you want me to take the baby Christian?" Agnetha offered "Wait, Agnetha, we know Linda is away " Emma said gently "We came to see you and Christian" "Me?" asked Agnetha surprised and immediately her nightmares came rushing in to batter her. "It's about Papa" said Anna and watched with mounting concern as Agnetha's face lost all its colour and tears came into her eyes. "Oh god Christian, I knew it. What's WRONG with him? Where is he?" In that one moment Emma and Anna saw the depth of this woman's love for their Papa. It was in her eyes and she could not hide it. Christian steadied his Mama and said "Just wait Mama before we panic" Emma and Anna were struck dumb for a second as they realised the enormity of what their father had sacrificed for them and what this supposedly crazy woman had done for them. "Girls please!" Christian's plea interrupted both their thoughts as he indicated his mother. "Oh god sorry. Agnetha no. He's fine, well he isn't but it isn't life threatening." Emma hastened to explain. That explanation did nothing to slow Agnetha's tears " What does that mean??" she demanded. Christian said gently "girls you are going to have to learn to be very clear with Mama when it comes to Papa, you'll learn" Emma and Anna both suddenly found that they badly wanted to learn. "Come on, let's get a drink and settle girls. Mama come darling. If it was bad news they'd have told us right away"
They settled at the kitchen table and Emma and Anna looked around curiously, they had never been into Agnetha's house. It was homely and smelled amazing. There were photos up everywhere of the whole family, Papa and the older kids, ABBA in various guises. There was piles of boots and coats. It was just a home, they spied several pictures of them with Linda and Christian. They were shocked to be included. Christian made drinks and fetched biscuits then settled next to Agnetha. He held her shaking hand and said "ok girls, we're ready" "I'm not sure you are" said Emma "but we're doing this because we adore Papa and he is in trouble and we think you can help him Agnetha" Agnetha was confused and said "If I can help him I will. Always. What sort of trouble is he in?"
Emma and Anna went through absolutely everything that occured last night and they did not leave anything out. They told Christian and Agnetha everything that Lena had said and done both last night and over the years. They told Agnetha that Bjorn had protected them from the worst of Lena for their whole lives and that they were sorry that he hadn't had the chance to come back to her. Agnetha choked on her tea at that statement and Christian had to slap her on the back. They told her how much Bjorn had defended her and his cold fury when he had realised the damage that Lena had done. They told how their relationship with Lena was cool at best, that she had been clear that she didn't want children and they explained to Agnetha why Lena had become pregnant with Emma and that she considered Anna to have been a mistake. Anna went on to tell them with tears in her eyes of Bjorn's impassioned and desperate defence of her and how she criticised them all the time now that they were adults. This made Agnetha cry all the more and she said to no one in particular "I would have been so proud if you both had been mine" Christian smiled and hugged his Mama to him tightly. He was so bloody lucky to have her. Frida chose that moment to walk into the kitchen and she genuinely half wondered if she was still dreaming. Goodness this was a week of surprises. She was welcomed to the table and greeted happily by everyone. "What's going on?" "We'll fill you in when Emma and Anna have finished their story" said Christian.
"We just wanted to come and say that whatever Mama says we won't turn against him, we won't leave him. It's his biggest fear. We love him and we want him to be happy very much" said Emma "We won't believe anything Mama says about you Agnetha" added Anna. "He's had a rough time Agnetha and he's given us everything he has, he did not want to make the same mistakes that he made in your marriage, it has haunted him endlessly. Because we love him as much as he loves us we'd like to plead his case for you to give him a chance to make it up to you" said Emma. Frida had tears in her eyes and admired the bravery of Bjorn's daughters. She said "Agnetha darling that is genuinely the bravest thing I've ever heard, daughters pleading for their father. I had no idea all this was going on" she said shaking her head "Poor Bjorn" she sighed.
Agnetha mopped her tears and said "You have no idea how much this means to me you two. He must be so proud of you both, a few years ago I would have denied all of this but considering your bravery I'll be truthful with you. There has never been a moment in the last 50 years when I haven't loved your father. You don't have to plead his case. He's always been my heartbeat, always. I'm very sorry about your mother, I hope that it was alcohol talking. I can't imagine that any mother could say that and mean it" Emma and Anna marvelled that Agnetha could still find some compassion in her heart for the woman who had destroyed her life and nearly destroyed Bjorn in the process.
Agnetha got up and walked around the table and put her arms around both Emma and Anna and hugged them tightly, she wiped away their tears and said gently "Thank you for this. Frida is right, you two are incredibly brave and I'm so proud that you are Christian and Linda's sisters. She squeezed them tightly. She straightened up and put her hands on her hips. "Do you know where he is girls?" she asked. "No, we don't. His mobile is off and neither of us know where he would go. He made us go home last night, he said he would be fine" replied Anna. "Emma stayed with me and we've sat up all night talking about what to do,how to help him, how to repay him for what he's done for us. Agnetha got down on her knees between them and put her arms back around them and looked them both in the eye. "Now listen to me you two, he is your father and he would give his life for all four of you, there is no debt nor is there repayment required. There is no guilt to be had any more, from today it's a new start. Your father made the right choice and he would never regret that. The girls smiled at her assertiveness but said "Agnetha, he was absolutely devastated we are worried. We've never seen him quite like that" said Anna a bit shakily. "To be fair" Frida said "he's had a lot to cope with recently so perhaps it affected him more" Agnetha frowned. "That's true. Ok. I need to eat first then we'll put together a plan. "Agnetha, I'm sorry but we have to go, We only have a babysitter for 2 hrs, it's why we were so early, it was the only time she could do. Agnetha was immediately understanding but said "Its ok. Has Christian got your numbers? We'll be in touch later on today." She went back to finish her cup of tea as her mouth was very dry then she said "Are you free next Sunday?" Anna and Emma looked at each other and said "We can be, we can get a sitter" said Emma "You don't need a sitter, just bring everyone. We'll all have dinner together. Linda and her brood will be home Sunday morning. Christian are you free with your crew? "Yes absolutely" Christian said. "Frida, can you be back with Benny by then?" "Yes of course" said Frida. She paused "Wait where am I going?" Christian said "Hush Aunty Frida, you'll have no choice in the matter anyway" he laughed. Frida rolled her eyes in agreement and giggled. "What are you up to Mama?" asked Christian amused. "Giving your Papa his dream. It'll be a surprise. He HAS had an awful time recently and he told me the other day that he wanted to see us all in the same room as a family. He thought he would never see it. Because of these beautiful girls of his we can do that now. She turned to Emma and Anna. We can can't we?" she asked carefully. "Good lord Agnetha, we would love to. It would be a dream come true for us too" Anna stammered "Are you sure?"asked Emma. Agnetha looked Emma in the eye and said firmly. "Why would I not be sure? It's a family dinner. You are family." Christian and Frida smiled and Frida couldn't hold back a tear or two. Her little Anna was so determined to heal her family, her ability to love was endless and her family had just got bigger and Frida was delighted that she and Benny had always been part of it.
Anna and Emma had been gone for about an hour and Agnetha and Frida had been sat chatting for a while when Anna said to her "I want you to call Benny today and ask him to collect you. I want you to go away with him for a few days, you were planning to go to Vallentuna. I want you two to sort yourselves out,make a plan as to how you can be together. You need each other. You love him and he loves you. We talked about this the other day and you promised me" Frida smiled and said "I did. I want to. He does need me. He says he loves me. I love him" Anna laughed at her eagerness and her stammering. "If I do this, what will you do about Bjorn?" Frida asked. "I want you to sort you two out as well" "Well first I have to find him" Anna said slightly worried "but when I do find him I want him to come here for a few days, maybe while you're away with Benny. He needs somewhere where Lena can never get to him and that's one thing I can offer him" Frida laughed out loud "Anna darling it's a great idea but you offer him so much more than that!!"
Both Christian and Anna tried Bjorn's mobile throughout the morning. Benny hadn't seen or heard from him, he wasn't at Mono and neither was he at Slottsholmen. Anna was getting worried and tried to think where he would go. By lunchtime she had decided that he must be at Vallentuna but no one was answering the phone there. Frida had called Benny and they were busy making plans on the phone so she left her a note on the table and marched determinedly to Linda's house to get Christian. She knocked on the door and went in. She called for Christian. He came out of the kitchen drying his hands on a towel and she said "Have you got time to smuggle me out to Vallentuna? I think that's where Papa is. I want to bring him back here where he's safe for a a while" Christian smiled and said "Yes, but we have to take the baby, of course that would be where he is. Why didn't I think of that?" He went upstairs to change while Anna dressed Nike in her outdoor gear. They were soon ready to go and Anna climbed into the back with the baby and Christian put the screens down. They managed to get out of the estate with minimal issues but still Anna focused on the baby.
In no time at all it seemed they were pulling into the road towards the house at Vallentuna. Christian checked around him and seeing it was all clear he pushed the fob and the gates opened. He was relieved to see his father's car parked in the driveway. He made sure the gates were closed as usual before he got out of the truck. Anna hopped out of the back and trotted up the steps. Christian followed behind with the baby and knocked before he unlocked the door. Anna took the baby and wandered in. She knew exactly where he would be and she walked straight through the kitchen and opened the back door."Mama?" questioned Christian. "When he's stressed he gardens" Christian shook his head at her conviction but sure enough he could see Papa kneeling weeding. Anna went down the steps with the baby and he watched as Anna closed in on him. Bjorn didn't hear her to start with but suddenly he heard footsteps. He looked up and blinked several times as he was transported back 42 years and he was seeing Anna with a baby. Christ he must be more stressed than he thought. Now he was seeing things. He shook his head but no she was still there. She kept coming and suddenly he was surrounded by her perfume. She WAS here. He rose slowly to his feet and he smiled as he realised she really was here and she was holding their grandaughter. He dropped his tools and wrapped his arms around them both. "How are you here? How are you both here?" he asked emotionally. He took the baby from Agnetha and hugged her tightly then he hugged Agnetha. The baby settled immediately. She knew who her grandad was. Christian smiled to see them and went indoors.
Anna said "I came to find you Bjorn. I was worried. "God it's so good to see you baby" he groaned. "I've missed you" he said hoarsely.
"Bjorn I've missed you too darling, I know you're struggling. Come with me to Ekero. Let me take you home for a while. You'll be safe there. You should have come there in the very first place" she said gently. Bjorn could feel his eyes stinging. "I didn't know...." he started. "Well you do now" she said gently.
He took her hand and carried the baby as they climbed the steps back into the house. He hugged his son and gave him the baby while he packed a few things.
He was never going to turn down the chance to go to Ekero

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