Chapter 13: Martinus stay with me! (XMAS special REWRITTEN VERSION)

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Your POV

The driver of the truck stopped and went out of his vehicle, he rushed over and assisted me by giving the needed support and CPR to Martinus. While he was with Martinus I called an ambulance, I didn't really know what else to do, what would you do in a situation as this?

I didn't knew a thing about what was coming next, normally I tought everything was okey after we got our little talk. I had a christmas dinner ready for us... maybe Marcus could be here too. But after that... no, I just Martinus to be okey. 

He was so special to me, I didn't care that he was my teacher, even if it was forbidden, they didn't need to know about that. Those are littel details, aren't they? The ambulance arrived, but Martinus was almost... he has lost to much blood. "Ma'am could you stand back for a moment?!"

"We are going to take him to the hospital, there will be a surgery room ready for him." The driver said to me... "Can I go with him?" I asked him crying. "Relation?" He asked. "YES" I said. "NO I MEAN WHAT KIND OF RELATION: worker-boss..." he asked. I didn't care what I said I just wanten to be with him.."teacher-student"  I replied, knowing what I said previously, I needed to correct myself because he looked at me with slight digust written on his face.

"I mean I am a friend of a previous teacher of him..." That was one thing. I didn't know if i could tell Someone WITHOUT permission of Martinus. "Of course then..if you know him well then you can join him." He said.

We went into the ambulance with hurry and drove with a lot of speed to the hospital. Man those people need to control their stress levels like a pro... When we arrived, they just let me wait outside. I called Marcus to tell what happend. I know he tried to get his go with me while he knew I was Martinus his girlfriend.

But they were brothers and he was the only one who knew About us. And hey? Who am I to complain. Two hot dudes, coming after me? Well that is something new and special for me. Didn't got a lot of attention from other guys the last years. The only attention was friendship...

"Marcus? Yeah it's me...

I found Martinus...

Why I am sad? 

Maybe because he was hit by a truck....

No I think he is fine... 

No of course I don't think he is fine!

At the moment they are with him...

Yeah surgery... 

Why? Because when the truck hitted him he lost alot of blood.... 

Can you come?

 Okey thanks.. I'll texts you the details." 

The call was about 7 minutes long and I wish I could hold Martinus. But when...when will he be released from the hospital? What about school? I can't stay here with him, people would get suspicious. When I was thinking about the consequenses over what could happen, I heard Marcus his voice.

I was waiting for About 20 minutes And still I didn't hear anything of Martinus. "How is it with Martinus?" Marcus asked to me. "I-I don't know anything yet..They are still in the surgery room." I replied. "Well, that means he was hitted...hard." He said while letting go some tears. I can understand why... They are twins, brothers. Family... I wish I could say that I have a family. I do but, they are not always there, let's just say they aren't there for me anymore.

"Hey, Marcus chin-up. It will be okey. It will be... okey..." I said trying to believe every word I just said. 

A few hours later, we still didn't got details about his situation. As we both stood up, a doctor came and filled us in, that the surgery went well and that he would be released in an hour. He needed to get some strength first. I found that a bit weird, you got hit, got surgery and not only about 5 or 6 hours later, you are released from the hospital? 

What can I say. It is a Christmas miracle. OR black magic. Probably the second but does it matter? No. Actually not for this time.

"What are you doing for Christmas this year?" He asked. That was a moment everything felt a little better. "I wanted to invite you guys over for a christmas dinner or something." I said.

"I hope I am invited to that Christmas dinner thingy." I heard a cracky voice saying that. I turned around... "MARTINUS! YOU ARE OKEY" I yelled at the same time I was running towards him.

I hugged him deeply... It was just perfect. Marcus said just one stupid thing and everything was good. Well then... After all it was not a stupid thing. A docter appeared. "Martinus, you are lucky that you have such good friends around you, if they weren't there you would be dead right now." The docter said. Martinus took my hands and said "(y/n), I am so so so sorry I didn't believed you... I was so stupid I know, but this proves it... I am... hungry, so what are we going to eat?" I gave him a push and started laughing like Marcu did. "C'mmon Martinus!" I said. "Okey, okey... I love you (y/n)." he said and kisses me.

"Are we going home yet or?" Marcus said. "Yeah, I am starving... Wait what day is it?" He asked. "It's the 25 of december why?" I said to him. "Ow uhm I don't know, just wanna know..." He said. Uhm well that was weird, Marcus was watching like Martinus is holding something... He gave me a look with 'ask him' on his face.

"Martinus what is it?" I asked. "No-nothing!" He said with a weird smile. "Martinus! Say it now please." I said with the puppydog eyes trick. "NOOO STOP! You know I can't hide anything when you do that." He said. Well it works everytime. "I.. I wanted to spend this Christmas in Norway but everything changes when you where here. So I...I canceled the flight just to be with you. It is just, I have something for you..." He said a little dissapointed. "I KNEW IT! I JUST KNEW IT!" I yelled at him. "What do you know?" he asked. "I knew that you canceled your flight to Norway.

So I buyed myself a ticket and maybe I bought one extra for you. I told Marcus about it and I can stay with you, Marcus and your parents." I said happy. "N-no your kidding me! You really did that?" He said almost crying with happy tears... 

"Yeah you are my boyfriend and it's not always me who needs to be happy. If you are happy then I am to."I said to him. "You are just...THE BEST! I love you (y/n)" He said happy. "Well happy Xmas Marcus And Martinus!" I said to them "you to (y/n)" they said together.

Y'all, another rewritten chap. Can't believe that my writing skills are upgrading so well the past few years. Today it is 3/01/2020 (00:20 AM) been editing since 11:30 pm on 2/01/2020.

Its a new year, a new year with a lot of new content that will be up soon! I have so much In my drafts standing and I am probably going to release some of it. Some of them are witten in 2017 so finally I am confident enough about my stories. I'm also starting to go and expand my boundaries, you know, writing the smut scenes. I am doing it with a friend of mine who helps me with it, so its less cringey for me haha. I'll post soon enough new stories and chapters on other books that are not completed yet. You will also probably see this message in a few other stories, so no, it mean you are not going crazy.

Also I'm not that person who likes New Year, mostly because of this year. 2020? Doesn't sound right. I feel like there is somthing bad gonna happen, hope it is just a feeling.

But still, see you in the next chapter of my books ;)

My Norwegian Teacher (Marcus & Martinus, (y/n) fanfic) 'REWRITTEN VERSION'Where stories live. Discover now