Chapter 17: You Bitch

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He- Did he just bring Hanna out too?

I couldn't believe my eyes, was I hallucinating? Possible, with the lack of sleep I've had the last couple of days. But the sound of her pitched voice took me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Y/N." She spoke softly, Martinus nodded, telling he would leave us up to it. Martinus smiled to Hanna, comforting mostly her while he glanced at me, guilt covering his features once more.

I knew that Martinus made a mistake leaving me, but I guess I was fine with it. He would face the consequences sooner or later, rather have it sooner though. It was well known among other students, that our dearest Hanna, was a heartbreaker. 

The female version of the baddest playboy there was.

I never spoke up, but when Hanna touched my arm, I got back to reality again. "What is wrong with you Y/N?" She started and I only could raise my brows. 

"We are best friends, but right now it feels like our friendship is something from the past, like something happened between the two of us." When I still didn't reply, she sighed. "Did I do something wrong? Or did someone came between us?" It seemed like the woman in front of me, had no clue what so ever.

"We used to be friends Hanna and you just had to come between me and my boyfriend." I spat bitterly at her. "When will you realize that not every man is single?" She looked at me like she didn't understand what she just heard.

"Wha-" Before she could ask for more clearance, I cut her off angrily. "Listen here you little Bitch! I know you have a relationship with Martinus, thanks to his brother I am aware now. He is- was mine, before you just couldn't help yourself and get yet another piece of meat for yourself. Because that is all he is to you, isn't he? A piece of meat? I swear, if you break is heart, I'll make sure you have more than just a few broken bones."

I calmed myself down a bit, trying not to gain attention in the hallway and reminded myself that a man was purely interested in me and certainly no one else. 


"Goodbye Hanna, Oh, and I you try to take Marcus away from me, I will make sure that they will never find your body." I pushed past her, bumping my shoulder in hers as I walked back into the classroom, where I didn't even thrown a glance into my ex-boyfriends direction.

I finished the work I had left until the bell rang and packed everything, just to see that Hanna was the first to leave the place. Even with all my fury I ended being the one left in the classroom, alone with Martinus. 

"Can I have a word with you, Y/N?" Martinus tried gaining my attention with his sweet talk, but it was done fore me. "Why sir? I want to go home to be honest." While I moved towards the door, Martinus went the same way.

"No- babe, please!" He tried, but how that got my blood boiling. Calling me babe? Whilst he was the one who had another relationship going on? And he defiantly knew that Hanna was my best friend.

"Don't say that again." I narrowed my eyes at him, blood still boiling, I came up with a plan. "I already have other plans, including a romantic dinner, with someone named Marcus." I smiled sarcastically at my brilliant plan and got out of the room.

I did wish he would run after me, but even if he had the tiniest respect, he wouldn't and just accept that I wanted space from him. Even if that including his brother, which reminded me, that I needed to give that particular person a call for a night out.

I didn't want to stick in the the past, I wanted to look forward. If Martinus wanted to have Hanna, then I would accept that. I had a bringer future coming up.

One where a man could appreciate the woman they were fighting for.


As I sat home, happily seated in my couch after a well went phone call, a knock on the front door brought me back from the dreamy world I currently was. I stood up, barefoot through the house; I sensed something was up.

After opening the door, I almost screamed, "Well, long time no see right?"

"What are you doing here?"

My Norwegian Teacher (Marcus & Martinus, (y/n) fanfic) 'REWRITTEN VERSION'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora