Chapter 12: Martinus I'm Sorry...

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Your POV

'What a mess' I thought to myself... I love Martinus but I also had feelings for Marcus. 'No! I don't need to panic around! Let's just search for Martinus, who knows what he did! I need to find him before it is to late' I calmed myself in my thoughts, trying not to give up the mood... I took my phone and tried to call him... But I still get his voicemail directly. That was the line for me. I took my keys and phone and went to search him... I could find his car.

Once I found his car in the centrum of the town, I parked next to his car. I went into the cafe that was there just around the corner of the street. Maybe he was just drinking. He was probably, there is nothing else you could do this late at night. And well I couldn't find him at first sight. But then I saw him. Drinking beer and that on a Sunday... I walked over to him and sat next to him. Starting a plain conversation. I couched to get his attention and yes I've got his attention.

He looked up to me with red puffy eyes from crying. "Can't you just leave me alone! Didn't you do already enough!." He said to me. "Listen Marti-" I was saying but he interrupted me"Listen (y/n) GO THE FUCK AWAY! Go back to Marcus. You didn't mind him eyh?!" He said while crying. "Martinus let me explain." I tried. 

" Explain what! That you love Marcus and not me. That you would rather lay in bed with him and not me?" He said looking right in my eyes. "MARTINUS SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN TO ME FOR A SECOND!" I yelled pissed off. At this time, we got the full attention of the whole bar. Every head was turned to us, some were quiet and watching the event, others were whispering to each other.

"One! now get away or I'll go!" He said. " Martinus please don't go! Ju-just listen..." I said with tears in my eyes. "I'll give you one minute but then I'll go!" He said. "I wanted to visit you but I just was overwhelmed because I saw you twice I tought I was goining crazy! I passed out, I woke up in your couch and I thought it was you who was sitting there.

I asked what happend because I was in shock and he said I had a little fever. I asked him a question and he was just like you... He even confirmed when I said Martinus to him. I gave him a kiss because I thought it was you... But then you came in. At that moment I knew it wasn't you I was kissing. You need to believe me! I am telling you the truth." I said almost crying.

"Wow.." He said. I thanked God he believed me, but I was wrong. "WOW! THAT IS THE BIGGEST BULLSHIT I'LL EVER HEARD! - I'm going home. I thought you loved me... Don't ever come to me again and tell the principal that I'll quit. Goodbye (y/n)!" He yelled at me leaving the building.

 I ran after him and yelled to him when he was on the middle of the street. "If I didn't love you?! Why would I come and search for you and not stay with Marcus!" I yelled at him. At that moment Martinus turned. It was the biggest mistake I ever made.

Martinus POV:

"If I didn't love you?! Why would I come and search for you and not stay with Marcus!" (y/n) yelled at me. I turned around of those words and I wanted to kiss (y/n) so badly. But then I fell a big sharp pain and everything went black...

Your POV...

A Truck just hitted Martinus...

My Norwegian Teacher (Marcus & Martinus, (y/n) fanfic) 'REWRITTEN VERSION'Where stories live. Discover now