Chapter 8: So sweet...

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Again, this is a rewritten version. This will have the same content, only just a bit updated.

Your POV:

It was Monday morning and I was still sleeping. A few moments later I heard my annoying alarm. So I stood up and I got dressed. I didn't want to go to school but then I rememberd what happend the last time... Teasing mr Gunnarsen. My somber face turned into one of a psycho, I smiled like a crazy cat woman.

Do they even smile?  Well today I got him the last period so I can have him where I want. Get him annoyed and then just leave like nothing has happend. But that is a normal case. Isn't it? I went downstairs and made some breakfast. Not like I do it normally, but I needed to be fit for my little actions today.

-Time skip to last period-

I was a little earlier than normal. I didn't have seen other students maybe because there are still 10 minutes before class starts. I know that Martinus always comes later into the class. But I texted him to come earlier. I saw him at the doorway, closing the door. He looked to his phone than to the clock.

"Hey Martinus!" I said to him. He jumped up. "Long time no see." I smiled at him. "First of all, Don't do that ever again! Second hello Miss (L/N)!" He said laughing. I had still 9 more minutes of free time with him and then 50 minutes of class with Martinus. "Uhm Martinus?" I said shy.

He just made a sound and lifting my chin up with his finger. "No it's serious Martinus!" I said annoyed but I liked it. I did it just for fun and to tease him a bit. He just growled at annoyence. "What is it babe?" He asked... "First of all I'm not your babe..." He looked in shock, telling him that he isn't my boyfriend. It's kind'a true, I only kissed him for my phone.

But I think it can be more. "I'm not your babe, because we didn't have done it. We aren't official, you know?" I said while grinning. He looked at me. "Maybe we need to do it then. Make it official and all that stuff. Including some steamy moments" He said with some lust in his eyes. 

"I don't know Mr. Gunnarsen..." I said shy knowing he wants me. "Oh come on! Why not? I DID give you my adress! Maybe Friday evening! A date or something?" He said with puppy eyes. "Martinus! NO means NO! And maybe for your birthday." I said "But my birthday is still 5 months away?!" Martinus said annoyed. 

"Well then you have to wait. But that date will be sooner. That is a promise." I said with joy. But then he grabbed me by my arm. He pushed me back to him. And kissed me, I didn't want it to end.

He was just so sweet... I looked up to the clock and I saw that their were 5 more minutes. I pulled back. "Now, you will need to wait longer" I said winking.

I wanted this chapter to be a little shorter for purpose XD But I also wanted it long enough; hope it is..

Chicken out

My Norwegian Teacher (Marcus & Martinus, (y/n) fanfic) 'REWRITTEN VERSION'Where stories live. Discover now