Chapter 10: Martinus Wait! What?

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Marcus POV

"Martinus! Go to the store and get this specific items." I said while writing the items on a list. On the list were items that would help her ease the pain on a natural way. So I gave him the list, he took his jacket and keys. "Okey I will be back in maybe 30 minutes, it can be longer. I'll try to be here sooner. Oh and Uhm Marcus bring her to the couch, she need to lay soft." Martinus said to me in a hurried tone. 

He left directly, not bothering to shut the door on his way out. She got a heavy clap on her head by dropping. But she will be okay, honestly I wanted just some time with her. Alone. I dragged her to the couch and laid her down. Martinus is lucky with such a beautiful girl like her. But what is her name again. I couldn't remember it... He told me a few times, but I only tried to get an image of what she could look like.

Martinus told about al her details. But everything he told me, everything I tried to make an image for, it was all wrong. She was even better. But my thoughts were interrupted by her stirring.

Your POV:

I shot awake, I had a pain shiver in my head and placed my hand at the spot were it hurts the most. But then I saw Martinus. "OOOhh GOD that hurts" I gave Martinus a painfull shot with my face. "Do you want a pain killer?" He said. "Yeah, would be nice. But what happend? Why am I in your couch because I mean I was there! At your Doorway!" I almost yelled at him. I was very confused, what happend. All I could remember was that I dropped to the ground and that I hit my head too hard on the ground. "You just fell and hit your head at the ground and a little bit at the stair." He said, " Well I am gonna get you your pain killer.." He said. "Thank you babe.. But Martinus! What was I doing here again?" I asked

Marcus POV:

"Thank you babe.. But Martinus! What was I doing here again?" She asked. It was a perfect moment! she didn't know I was Marcus and that Martinus is away for half an hour. I could do some thing and she will forget Martinus and only will remember me. But what could I do... I can't kill Martinus, that would be to wrong, maybe a bit too much psycho thoughts. At least bring get him into the hospital? No... Maybe wait until I hear the car and then just kiss her. Maybe it will work and Martinus would be so upset he just don't want anything to do with her anymore. It is a good plan, I think. And the only thing that would't get him hurt that bad? I feel bad for doing this but it is the only thing that works out for me.

"Uhm Martinus?" She said waving her hands before my eyes. "U-uh what, I was not doing anything! I swear. Oh it's you.." I said laughing akwardly at her. "Sorry about that, just thinking, what did you say babe?" I Said. "What was I doing here again? That's what I said to you" She said. "Oh well..." I said but then hearing a car stopping at the door, he was earlier then he said. Well that is good news.

"I just wanted to spend a Friday evening with you." I said. I grabbed her, pulling her closer to me and then just kissed her at the moment I heard Martinus saying" I am back with the stuff!"... We were still kissing..."WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!"-"(Y/N)! What?!" Martinus yelled, tears forming in his eyes.

End of the chapter







My Norwegian Teacher (Marcus & Martinus, (y/n) fanfic) 'REWRITTEN VERSION'Where stories live. Discover now