Chapter 3: Want Some Help

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A/N: why was it so cringey back then?


*Then he winked at me*

I just realised that he just winked at me. But the question is why did he wink?... Did he just have something in his eye or was it maybe because he had a little pain in his eye or something... Well that's that for sure, I mean it is not that their is someone who's gonna like me and HE will also never. He is probably already married or have girlfriend.

I mean what was I thinking? Well everybody makes mistakes right? I was almost home, I was walking for 7 minutes. 7 long minutes, I normally did this with (f/N), but now that she is gone... I don't live that far away from school.

It was kind of nice but not always, because my parents did live here for me so that I could do all the stuff by myself. They don't care when I fail for tests... Maybe because they are always on businesstrips..

Well one of the good things is that I have the house for myself. No one who could tell me what to do and I could do so much more but I never knew love.

I never had a boyfriend or things like that, even my parents let me down. They only where there when I was just a baby and they left when they saw that I could call ith a phone, use the tv, knew how to cook... I could everything when I was about 6 years old.

They say they love me, and I believe them, but somewhere they just keep disappointing me.

--- Time Skip-- (because... who the f*ck wants to know what you do in your own spare time XD---

It was morning and I was getting ready for school. I didn't think of Mr. Gunnarsen that much. Just did my work and other stuff. I picked the best outfit ever.

Sike, I did Not, just some black converse, black jeans, white hoodie and black-white shirt. Kind'a nice. I took my bag and walked to school. I hate colors sorry my bad.

On the walk to school, my nerves started to kick in. Just knowing that it could be a real wink, scares me. You never know what he could or want to do. So I took my phone out and listened to some music to calm me down.

-Time skip untill Norwegian class hehehe-

It was the last hour.. I was happy and at that time also afraid. What if it was a real wink? I mean he is HOT AF! You don't have so much chance to have a teacher like that. And I could make my friends jealous but I knew what the effects where...

He could lose his job and I... I could be bullied And I could lose my grade... Well it was time. After thinking what could happen, I didn't saw how quick the time has passed.

He walked in the room, actually he dressed very fancy... You could say it was more like a student. (Look banner above, and like always... think that Martinus is older :) thanks xD) Well he sure looks Hot as f*ck. Girls where yelling for him. Like they were eye-fucking him and getting an orgasm by just seeing him blink.

I would to, but I wanted to keep it proffesional 'hehehe' some girls where calling him: " Mr Gunnarsen! I love you!". I would say that too, but I already said it, I want it to be proffesional.

'He's my teacher and I am his student' nothing more. Maybe if we would be friends and not have that teacher-student relationship. But even that is for when I graduate. Or I need to drop out of school. That is a good idea, but better if we don't do that.

"Okey class! Today we are going to do some Norwegian vocabulary. It's not that hard when you are concentraded. So just concentrade on the bord and only on the bord. Not with the persons next to you!" He said in a slight serious tone. Kind of very serious. Still cute but very serious.

I wanted to be a good student and well. He was right! If you concentraded on the lesson and on the bord it would go easy. Well again everybody was already leaving and I still needed to pack. Nobody cares, even the 'fangirls' where leaving without saying goodbye.

Even our little attention shores were leaving without licking their lips in his way. Just to see a bit of an outline, but he didn't. He hadn't. He was a serious professional until now. You never know it could change.

I wanted to be gone, as quickly as possible. I did... Almost. When I was speeding and I tripped over my own feet. Stupid nerves... He helped me up and pushed me back on a chair. "Going somewhere?" He asked with a slight amused smirk. " Yeah..Yes I was going somewhere. To the hall to pack the rest of my books. And then well go home." I said but without a smile. I was nervous, real nervous. "Well let me help you pack. It's the least I can do, you are the only one who is really into my lessons and not Into me." He said smiling but boy you should know. "Well... I guess I could use some help." I said


OOOOOH cliffhanger, i don't want my chapters to long i mean it's SOOO long xD

But just I want a BIIIGGGGG book so that's why. XD, but guys I also try to whrite as much as poseble. Don't blame me when i can't update the story so quick as posible.

My Norwegian Teacher (Marcus & Martinus, (y/n) fanfic) 'REWRITTEN VERSION'Where stories live. Discover now