Chapter 11: What a mess

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*Again! this is the rewritten version of the book!*


"I just wanted to spend a Friday evening with you." I said. I grabbed her, pulling her closer to me and then just kissed her at the moment I heard Martinus saying" I am back with the stuff!"... We were still kissing..."WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!"-"(Y/N)! What?!" Martinus yelled, tears forming in his eyes.


I was so deep in thought that I firstly didn't heard the front door opening. Just a few seconds later I heard a voice saying :"Marcus, (y/n) what are you doing?!" at that moment I realised that it wasn't Martinus I was kissing. I pushed him off me, and I yelled at him "WHO ARE YOU, What are you doing? DON'T TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN!" in a real scared tone. 

The first person who really loved me... Not like my previous boyfriends. I just threw him away, without even knowing it... It wasn't something I meant to do. But he looks so hard like Martinus. "Oh, I tought you would know! I am Marcus, Martinus his twin brother." He said smirking and sitting closer to me, laying his hand on my knee. But I pushed him away. "STAY THERE!" I yelled at him. I didn't want him to get closer. Not after what just happened.

"Where is my jacket?" I asked him. I wanted to go home and try to talk to Martinus. He just left as quick as possible. Not wanting to see what happenend. I can't blame him, I would do the same. But how...HOW didn't I see that it wasn't Martinus. Marcus or whatever he called, looks maybe the same but had DEFINITELY another style. 'Cooler' if you can call it like that. 

"Why do you want to know? You're 'hot' enough. Or do I need to warm you up? Would be my pleasure." He said winking. God that was well...Hot. But I need to focus on Martinus. "Just tell me, I am going home." I said. He looked amused at me and turned his head to the other couch. I walked over there and I saw my jacket. I took it and left but before I could leave, Marcus hold me. "You are leaving but you don't give me a kiss?" He asked smiling. I wanted to do it a little but Martinus... Martinus was there somewhere with the wrong toughts.

I don't want him to be sad. But I just wanted to explain him. GOD why does my life suck so badly. I got into the car, drove off and went home. When I was home I got into my pyjama's and well... I looked over to my phone, I took it and went to my contacts. I searched for Martinus and tried to call him. But like always it endend up in a voicemail message. I then tried to text him but no answer. I can't go over to his house because of Marcus. He would probably try to get me ...again.

And he don't answer his phone. It gave me alot of stress and I don't like that kind'a stress. Martinus is someone who cares about me. Okey Marcus does to but only because of my looks I guess. I loved Martinus. I went to the contacts to search for the housephone number of Martinus to call Marcus. Asking him if he knows something about Martinus yet. but after a few times thinking really hard...I forgot Martinus and was thinking about Marcus...

Wait. I said 'I loved' Martinus... And I only can think of Marcus... Does that mean I-I am in love with Marcus and Martinus and me are over?... What a mess...

End of the chapter... And yet again everybody hates me but what would you know? Would I still say 'you' are in love with Martinus or will Martinus fade away and you will be happy with Marcus...

HEEEY that gave me an Idea for a sequel. XD


My Norwegian Teacher (Marcus & Martinus, (y/n) fanfic) 'REWRITTEN VERSION'Where stories live. Discover now