Chapter 21

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Bonnie was woken up by Lorenzo's phone ringing loudly. She stuck her hand out, trying to feel the sun on her arm but then she realized that is was still dark out. She also realized she had fallen asleep on Lorenzo's bed.

Her hand patted the bed, feeling the black silk sheets. Lorenzo wasn't on his side of the bed.

She finally found the phone but frowned when she realized she has no idea how to answer a phone without the help of Siri. Her finger tapped the screen, hoping she can answer it but it still kept ringing. She sighed.

She decided to swipe her finger across the screen until finally a voice spoke through the phone. She placed the phone against her ear.

"Don." The voice said. She realized it was Dr. McCoy.

"Umm, Doctor McCoy, uhh, it's me, Bonnie. Lorenzo is not here right now. I-is everything alright?" She stuttered.

Dr McCoy sighed. "I'm afraid I have some bad news..."

Bonnie's heart dropped. "She didn't make it, did she?" She asked softly.

"I'm sorry." Dr McCoy sadly said.

"Thank you for informing us, Doctor." Bonnie said, swallowing the lump in her throat.

"No problem." Doctor McCoy said before hanging up.

Bonnie dropped the phone on the bed, wiping her tears before standing up from the comfortable bed. She grabbed her white cane and walked out the room, searching for Lorenzo.

"Enzo!?" She yelled.

In the B.E Room, Lorenzo heard the angelic voice. He quickly walked out the room, before locking it.

He found Bonnie, standing at the door of one of the bathroom doors in the house.

"What's wrong?" He asked when he saw the sad look on her face.

He hugged her as tears slipped from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Enzo." She cried.

"What's going on?" Lorenzo asked holding her face in his large hands.

"S-She didn't make it." Bonnie whispered.

Lorenzo's heart broke into a million pieces. "I just got off the phone with the doctor." She said.

Lorenzo dropped his hands from her face and cried before punching a wall repeatedly. "Lorenzo, stop! Please!" Bonnie cried, grabbing his arm. He calmed down by her touch and dropped his head on her shoulder, before letting out sobs.

Bonnie hugged him tightly. "Promise me you won't leave me." She heard him mumble.

"I promise." She whispered.

A few days later...

Everyone was wearing black. It was raining heavily, the sky was grey, people had their umbrellas opened as they listened to John's speech. A dark brown, expensive casket sat in front them as the rain hit it.

Truly, it was a depressing day.

Today was the funeral, of course.

Bonnie sat next to Lorenzo, holding his hand tightly. She looked beautiful. Her black dress hugged her curves in the right way. Her face was clear of any makeup and her curly hair was in a tight bun. Black pump shoes covered her small feet as they were crossed over each other. Her grey eyes were staring ahead as she tried to listen to John but all she could think about was the heartbreak Lorenzo is going through.

Next to her, sat Lorenzo. His head was bowed down, his jet black hair falling on his forehead. He wore his usual expensive suit.

He raised the hand that was holding Bonnie's and kissed her knuckles, trying to calm himself. He's been doing it for the past hour.

"...Rest in Peace, Grace. You will be missed." John finished, before walking away from the podium to sit down.

Lorenzo stood up, walking to the podium. He stood there silently for a bit, his eyes roaming around his men. He sniffed. "Today is a horrible day, one we never thought we would see. Our beloved Grace has died. The woman who we all considered as our mother. This woman raised me. And let me tell you, she did a great job-" he turned to the casket. "Grace, thank you for always being here for me. You taught me so many things. One of them is love and I will cherish that in my heart forever. Rest In Peace. I'll see you soon." He smiled sadly before walking off the podium.

He watched as his men lowered her casket into the ground. Bonnie hugged him. "I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too, baby." Lorenzo said, kissing her forehead.

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