Chapter 5

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Lorenzo angrily pushed the perfectly stacked papers off his desk as he spoke on the phone.

"Listen here you little fucker, you better not mess this up. How the fuck did you lose $250K? Find it, and if it is not here by 10pm tonight, consider yourself a fucking dead man." He spat, hanging the phone up.

John, who was silently watching Lorenzo as he was sitting on the chair in front of him, tilted his head as he watched his best friend angrily pace around the room.

"Lorenzo, man, calm down. He's new." John said.

Lorenzo breathed a breath of annoyance as he sat down. "I don't give a fuck. Send Matteo down there to help him cause he can't do a fucking simple job."

John nodded, sending a quick text to Matteo.

"So, how are you?" John asked after a few minutes of silence. Lorenzo looked up from the papers he was trying to put back in place. "Since when do we fucking talk about feelings, John?" He huffed.

"I'm just curious. How's that girl? Bonnie, is it?"

"She's fine, thank you." Lorenzo replied harshly. "Why do you fucking care?"

"Because she is innocent, Enzo. She didn't see anything." John said. Lorenzo sighed, "I'm not taking her back home, if that's what you're trying to make me do. This is her home now." Lorenzo said.

"But why? She already said she won't tell anyone. Fuck, unless...dude. You fucking like her!" John gasped.

Lorenzo looked up. "I don't like her. I'm just saying, she's mine. And no one will take her away from me. That night, in the alley wasn't the first time I saw her, I've been following her for years. I was going to make a plan to kidnap her from her parents' house but she brought herself to me. It's like fucking fate."

John pursed his lips, "So, you're basically in love with her." He said.

"I don't like her nor am I in love with her. I just told you, she's mine. That's all. Mine to hold, mine kiss, mine to fuck." Lorenzo said.

John tilted his head, eyeing his best friend. John has known Lorenzo most of his life. When Lorenzo's father Alessandro moves the Mafia to America after he had won a war between the him and the American Mafia, he found John.

John was homeless. An 11 year old homeless innocent little boy, stealing food to at least stay alive.

Lorenzo's father found him at a gas station, robbing a liquor store and decided to take the little boy under his wing.

Lorenzo's father literally saved him when he got him him off the streets and he'll forever be great full.

When John and Lorenzo met, they instantly clicked and became the best of friends. Getting to the point, John knows Lorenzo better then he even knows himself and he knows that his best friend, Lorenzo is definitely in love with this woman.

It was midday, Bonnie was currently waking up from her nap.

"Good, you're awake."

Bonnie jumped as she heard the voice. "It's John. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Bonnie furrowed her eyebrows. Her mind spinning as it tried to remember who this 'John' was.

"You're the guy that kidnapped me." Bonnie softly said.

"Technically, Lorenzo is the one who kidnapped you. I was just the one who put you in the car." John shrugged.

"You could've just let me go." Bonnie said.

"No can do, sweetheart. Anyway, Lorenzo asked me to give you this." John stuck his hand out, holding a white cane.

Bonnie furrowed her eyebrows. "You do realize I am blind, right? I literally don't know what 'this' is supposed to be.

John sighed and grabbed Bonnie's hand, placing the cane in her hand.

"It's a white cane." He said. "Lorenzo thought you might need it." Bonnie nodded. "Thank you." She whispered. John bid his goodbye and walked out the room.

Bonnie bit her lip and she ran her fingers on the long white cane.

Finally, something useful to help me escape!

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