Chapter 7: Part two

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7 hours earlier...

Lorenzo had woken up early today to make sure Bonnie was still alright.

He stood up from his bed, grabbing a shirt from his closet, wearing it and walked out his room.

Lorenzo made it to the familiar door. He raised his hand but pulled it back again.

Fuck it.

He lightly knocked on the door before stepping back in case Bonnie decided to hit whoever was standing at the door.

Lorenzo frowned when nobody answered. She's probably just asleep.

He shrugged and decided to let his princess rest. She needs it.

Lorenzo took a shower when he made it to his room. After his shower he wore his usual black suit before making his way downstairs to grab breakfast.

"Morning, Grace." He muttered as he sat down at the island.

Grace nodded in acknowledgment.

"Where is Bonnie?" She asked eyeing Lorenzo.

"She's still asleep." Lorenzo replied.

"Don, ci siamo appena resi conto che nessuna delle porte o dei cancelli era chiusa a chiave ieri sera" Matteo said as he entered the kitchen.

"we just realized none of the doors or gates were locked last night"

Lorenzo's heart stopped.

"A-and it seems that someone left the premises."

"Fuck! You guys didn't check if the house was locked last night?" Lorenzo didn't wait for Matteo to reply as he dashed up the stairs.

He harshly knocked on Bonnie's bedroom door. Again, nobody answered. He harshly opened the door and growled when he saw the bed empty. No sign of his princess. He grabbed his phone, calling his closest men, "Get all your ass here now. We have a situation." He hung up.

Alright kitten, wanna play a little hide and seek? Well game on.


"Alright, shut the fuck up." The room fell unbelievably silent; you could hear a pin drop.

The only sound was Lorenzo's shoes clapping against the tiled floor. Power radiated from him as he walked to his chair that was on the head of the long table.

He places his hands on the table and angrily glared at his men.

"I don't know how the fuck this happened but it seems that somebody didn't do his fucking job. None of the doors were locked, the alarms weren't set, and the gates were wide opened. Bonnie escaped and we're going to look until we fucking find her." His eyes looked around the room.

"No stone will be left unturned until we find her. Marco, I want you to hack each and every CCTV system in this whole fucking country. Luca and Alesso, search the woods. John and I will go to the nearest town. Angelo, I want you to check what happened last night and see if anyone was tempering with the security. I want a few men to come with John and I in case we need back up. The rest do what you can to help. Now go!" The men all jumped to their feet and moved as fast as they can.

Bakers Town, the sign read as Lorenzo ran his fingers through his dark hair.

He was beyond pissed and was not afraid to show it. His phone rang and he immediately picked it up when he saw Marco's name.

"Marco this better be good." He said.

"Sí. It seems she's in Bakers Town at the Coffee Shop."

"What's the name of this coffee shop?"

"It's literally Coffee Shop, sir." Lorenzo hung up and told John to make a stop at the coffee shop.

When the car came to a complete stop, Lorenzo immediately jumped out and made his way into the coffee shop.

He went over to the cashier, "May I help you, sir?" She asked.

"Actually yes. My wife seemed to have run away from me and I came here to take her and bring her back home." Lorenzo said as he smirked.

The cashier furrowed her eyebrows. "Umm-"

"-Have you seen her? Amazingly beautiful bushy hair, grey eyes, walks around with a white cane?" Lorenzo asked gesturing with his hands as he described Bonnie.

The cashier pointed behind Lorenzo and he turned around.

There she sat. Looking beautiful as ever. Even with the dirt all over her. Lorenzo smiled, thanking the cashier. He slowly walked to her.

"Hey, baby girl." Bonnie jumped.

"No, no, no, no, no." Bonnie cried as she tried to stand up but Lorenzo had already picked her up. Bonnie screamed and cried, pleading that somebody would help her.

The cashiers hand reached for the phone. "Sir, please le-"

"Did I mention she has a condition?" Lorenzo tilted his head, Bonnie was still kicking as he held her tight.

"No, he's lying. Please help me! Please. He's lying." Bonnie cried.

"It's not the first time she ran away from home. She makes up these delusions that somebody had kidnapped her, and then she runs away." Lorenzo rolled his eyes.

"No, please. He's lying! I am not delusional. You have to believe me, please!" Bonnie yelled as she trashed in Lorenzo's arms.

"I got the pills to prove it." Lorenzo took out a single small white pill.

Bonnie immediately pursed her lips.

"Come on, baby. Open wide." Lorenzo whispered he pressed the pill against Bonnie's pursed lips. "Just open wide so we can go home and bake some cookies. You'd like that right?"

"Fuc-" Bonnie tried to say but got cut off when Lorenzo thrusts the pill deep into her mouth, causing her to swallow it instantly.

"Mhm, there-there. See? All better." Lorenzo whispered as Bonnie's eyes lazily drooped and she started to mumble words, giggling to herself. Lorenzo looked at the cashier.

"In sickness and in health, what can I say? I love her to death." He said as he carried Bonnie bridal style in his arms.

Bonnie snuggled her head against his hard chest, sighing in comfort.

Lorenzo gently placed her in the backseat of his car, then climbed in, placing her head on his lap. "You're alright now." He whispered.

Bonnie only giggled.

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