A Movie Marathon in the Hart House

Start from the beginning

“What about Brandon?”

“He was at Randy’s.” I gave a disapproving look towards my friend, who smiled sheepishly.

“Polly was in charge but Phil wouldn’t listen to her.”

“No, of course not. That’s because brothers stink, don’t they?”

“Yes they do!” Hana said.

“Why don’t you girls go play horseback riding for a little while and maybe I’ll come up in a few minutes.”

“Yay!” They ran upstairs in a chorus of cheers and excitement.

“You’re sisters are so adorable.”

“Yeah, when you’re around. The rest of the time they’re like little Disney demons. Just throwing sparkle everywhere.” He shuddered.

“Hey, I love Disney movies and sparkles.”

“That’s because you’re you. You love anything that’s happy.”

“Not that song. I’m so sick of the Happy song,” I told him.

“Okay, yeah, but I think everyone is. Plus, it gets annoying after you have to deal with it for years on end.”

“Don’t worry, they’ll grow up and you’re going to wish they’re this age and not teenagers.”

“What makes you think I’ll still be living here then?” I laughed at what I accidentally implied when I said that.

“Sorry, that’s not what I meant.” We were sitting at the bar in the kitchen (I loved their spinning chairs) when Polly walked in.

“Oh hey Kaitlyn! Haven’t seen you around here in a while.” She grabbed an apple from the fridge and sat across from me.

“Hey, how’s school going?”

“Ugh, I’m studying like crazy for finals. Oh hey, aren’t you dating that really creepy hot guy now?” Brandon and I laughed at this and I nodded.

“Yeah, I forgot you’re a freshman now.”

“I have been all year.”

“Yeah, I know. Sorry.” The three of us laughed until a silence came over the room. Polly finished her apple and got up to throw it away.

“Okay, well I’m heading to my final track meet, see you guys.”

“Good luck!” Brandon called out to her and she yelled back a “thanks!” before walking out the door.

“Isn’t it a bit late for track to still be going on?”

“Oh, a few of her meets got postponed because of rain so their schedule got all mixed up.”

“Ah, how is she getting there?”

“She usually carpools with her friend and her mom I think.”

“Cool, want to start getting everything ready?”

“Yeah good idea.”


Brandon, Dani and I were having a sleepover that night and a movie marathon. We hadn’t had one of these in over three months and I was really exited. I was also nervous though, because I knew at some point during the night I was going to tell them all that’s been going down with my mom and Rory and all that. I mean, they’re my best friends and they deserved to know. I’d just been so confused lately and I told Dani some of it, but not the whole story. And I left Brandon in the dark this whole time. Brandon and I got out a few movies that we had decided to watch the other day when we planned this and set up the living room so it would be suitable to sleep in.

When we were done, I played with Hana and Lily for a while until their friend’s mom came to take them to a sleepover party. It was only Brandon and I in the house until Dani showed up about twenty minutes later and we all got ready to start the first movie: The Devil Wears Prada, Dani’s choice. We ate the Chinese food we ordered during this movie, per the usual routine.

Afterwards we watched the second movie, Harry potter and the Goblet of Fire, Brandon’s choice (he loved reading, it was basically his life, therefore adaptation movies were as well). During this movie we ate popcorn, and a lot of it.

By the time we got to my movie it was eleven and we were stuffed. We decided not to watch it and just talked instead, since we all knew we’d just fall asleep in the middle of it. I had chosen Avengers, and that movie was really long.

This was the perfect time to tell them about my life the past couple weeks, so I did. Honestly, I felt more confortable telling Mason. At least he understood. The best my friends could do was hug me and tell me how sorry they were, which is what they did.

“I know there’s not much you guys can do about it, but I grew up with you guys and I love you and you deserve to know.”’

“Thanks for telling us, I had no idea you were having such a hard time. Don’t worry girl we’re here for you.”

“I am right there with you.” I smiled at the two most amazing friends in the world and we tried to do this weird and awkward three person hug thing, but since it was almost 2 AM (it took me a while to explain everything to them), we were all to tired and just fell off the couch laughing.


            We all fell asleep by three and didn’t wake up until lunchtime the next day when Brandon’s doorbell rang. Of course, it was Randy.

            “Well don’t you just look terrible,” he said to Brandon as he walked in the door.

“Yeah, thanks.” Randy pecked his boyfriend on the lips and then scrunched up his face.

“Ew, morning breath.” And then he started to laugh at Brandon’s shocked face. “I was just kidding, jeez take a joke.” Dani and I were, of course, on the floor in heaves of laughter.

“You guys are so rude. I don’t even know why I’m friends with you.” It turned out Randy knew of our sleepover and brought us all lunch. He was a nice guy, that Randy. When I was finally showered (I loved the Hart’s bathroom) and ready, I headed off to work. The afternoon was unusually slow and I drove home after my shift ended. It was when I actually got home that my heart sank. Ronnie was on the couch in the living room and I could tell he had been crying.

“Ronnie what’s wrong?” he breathed in and patted the set next to him. I sat down and saw that the television was on a news story. Dread filled me when I saw the names at the bottom of the screen.

“Remember when mom showed up a couple weeks ago?” I nodded.


“Wait, where’s dad?”

“He went to the office to tell the other doctor that he’s back and ready to work, but Kaitlyn listen I’m trying to tell you-”

“Yeah, no. Sorry, keep going.” He built up the confidence to tell me something I was pretty sure I already knew.

“Well, I looked her up. It took a while but I found out that she re-married. She hasn’t been a stripper for almost eight years now. She… well she married Harvey Richards. And the news was left on when I came down here this morning, and…” he pressed play on the television, he must have recorded the news to show me this.

“I was just watching it again when you walked in, so I paused it…Kaitlyn, our mom is dead.”

A/N: Mwhaahahaha I finally get to be an evil author with a cliffhanger!

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